1001 | 08/01/2021 | Transfer & Posting of Superintendent | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2021/153(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1002 | 08/01/2021 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Administrative Officer | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2021/147(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1003 | 07/01/2021 | Regarding issuance of vigilance certificate from Delhi Secretariat | 27(40)/E-in-C/PWD/2021/105(H) | Office Order |
1004 | 04/01/2021 | Vigilance status in r/o Assistant Engineers,(Civil) for the purpose of 3rd MACP-reg. | E-in-C/P/27(40)24(H) | Circular |
1005 | 04/01/2021 | The Competent Authority is pleased to order the work allocation amongst the Officers of the rand of Dy. Secretary/AHC/AD, PWD Secretariat. | E-in-C/P/29(1)Genl.26(H) | Office Order |
1006 | 04/01/2021 | The Competent Authority is pleased to order the work allocation amongst the Section Officers of the PWD Secretariat | E-in-C/P/29(1)Genl./23(H) | Office Order |
1007 | 29/12/2020 | Regarding Disposal of Surplus Earth | 20(Karawal Nagar)/Edu M Div. (East & North-East)/DS/1195 | Circular |
1008 | 23/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant in Architectural Department | 28(2)/2020-E/(South)M/Arch/3812 | Circular |
1009 | 22/12/2020 | Circulation of Office Memorandums/letters, issued by the Ministry of Finance, Govt of India Duly Endorsed by the CPWD and Govt of NCT of Delhi, regarding some Amendments of rules relating to Bid Security and Performance Security. | E-in-C/PWD/Dir(W)/4341 | Circular |
1010 | 22/12/2020 | Monitoring of E- Lekha Govt Accounting System at Zonal Level by the Respective Chief Engineers, by Fixing Meeting with DDOs/AAOs and imparting of Basic Training to the Concerned Staff. | E-in-C/PWD/Dir(W)/E-Lekha/4339 | Circular |
1011 | 22/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Chief Engineer (Civil) | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/11538-45 | Transfer & Posting |
1012 | 22/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Superintending Engineer (Elect.) | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SEs/2016/Voll.II/12207-12214 | Transfer & Posting |
1013 | 18/12/2020 | Vigilance Status/ Clearance Certificate | E-in-C/P/27(40)/3640 | Circular |
1014 | 17/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Superintending Engineer (Elect.) | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SEs/2016/Voll.-II/11986-11993 | Transfer & Posting |
1015 | 16/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Voll.II/11992-11959 | Transfer & Posting |
1016 | 16/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineer (Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Voll.II/11960-11967 | Transfer & Posting |
1017 | 16/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Executive Engineer (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/Pt.file-I/11978-11975 | Transfer & Posting |
1018 | 16/12/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Architect | 10(52)/PWD-I/T&P/Architect/2017/Voll.II/11976-11983 | Transfer & Posting |
1019 | 14/12/2020 | Regarding Reconciliation of Monthly Receipts and Expenditure Figures of DDOs with PAO to avoid Excess Expenditure over and above the Modified Budget and to Avoid Serious Audit Paras | E-in-Office/PWD/Dir(W)/4255 | Circular |
1020 | 14/12/2020 | Monitoring Report on the Status of Implementation of E- Lekha Reporting System to Generate Expenditure Report of PWD on Daily Basis. Shortcomings on the part of Executive Engineers/ DDOs to achieve the target. | E-in-C/PWD/W/E-Lekha/2020/4254 | Office Order |
1021 | 11/12/2020 | Advisory Note - Management Of Expenditure under the Revenue Head 2059 80-053-00 00 27 Maintenance & Repairs (Minor Works). Working Out of Expenditure Plan with in the Original Budget 2020-21 approved by the Govt Of NCT Of Delhi | E-in-C/PWD/W/Misc./2020/4253 | Circular |
1022 | 11/12/2020 | Transfer/Posting of Senior Draftsman(Civil) | 28(2)/202-E/(South)M/3729 | Transfer & Posting |
1023 | 10/12/2020 | Delhi Works Advisory Board Meeting held on 09.12.2020 at 4:00 PM to consider the Tender for following Name Of Work | E-in-C/ Director/Work/DWAB/2020/3561 | Circular |
1024 | 08/12/2020 | Data Relating to Work Charged Staff to Create a New Sub Head 2059 and 2216, for Booking Salary & Other Expenditure Relating to Work Charged Staff | PWD/DW/IFA/Budget-Misc/20-21/4166 | Circular |
1025 | 08/12/2020 | Details of Supply Contract in Respect of SKN Associate Pvt Ltd, Skyline Metal and Alloys Private Ltd., Sunvision Agencies Private Ltd, Goldmine Buildcon Private Limited, Infolance Software Solutions Ltd. for Submission to DOV, Govt of NCT of Delhi | E-in-C/PWD/W/Misc/20-21/4164 | Circular |
1026 | 03/12/2020 | Monitoring Report on the Status of Compliance of Instructions by the Executive Engineers/DDOs/Accounts Branches of the Divisions to implement the E Lekha Reporting System | E-in-C/PWD/W/E-Lekha/20/4133 | Circular |
1027 | 03/12/2020 | Instructions for Preparation of detailed Budget Estimates to Present Realistic and to Avoid Excess or Saving over the Finally Approved Revised Budget, as Contained under GFR 2017 and CPWD Manual | E-in-C/PWD/W/Budget/20/4131 | Circular |
1028 | 27/11/2020 | Report Regarding Collection of Non Tax Revenue under the Public Works Head 0059 | PWD/IFA/2020-21/4075 | Circular |
1029 | 25/11/2020 | Instructions Regarding Hiring Of Vehicles in the Divisions for Official Purpose | E-in-C/Dir(P)/21(4)/2020/4013 | Circular |
1030 | 24/11/2020 | Resurfacing of Various Roads under Division NWR-2 by Cold Milling Method with Recycled Material, PWD, Delhi. | 23/AE(P)/CE(North)/PWD/10356-68 | Circular |
1031 | 18/11/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/4109- H | Transfer & Posting |
1032 | 13/11/2020 | Non Observance of some Instructions, on the part of Some of the DDOs/EEs/Accounts unit to fully implement the E- Lekha Software System to generate receipts & Expenditure Report on Day to Day Basis | E-in-C/PWD/Works/E- Lekha/3370 | Circular |
1033 | 12/11/2020 | Transfer / Posting of Superintending Engineer (Civil) | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SEs/2016/Voll.-II/10439-46 | Transfer & Posting |
1034 | 11/11/2020 | Change of Email address in SE, Shahdara Circle Office (M-23), PWD | 23(Misc.)/Shahdara Cir. M/PWD/DS/2578 | Office Memorandum |
1035 | 11/11/2020 | Regarding Non Submission Of Schedule Dockets along with monthly accounts to PAO-22 | E-in-C/PWD/Works/E- Lekha/3343 | Circular |
1036 | 10/11/2020 | Replies and other materials of questions/assurances and other important communications related to Parliament/Assembly Business. | 11(388)/PWD-II/ Misc. V.S.Q./2018/9995-9999 | Circular |
1037 | 06/11/2020 | Work Allocation amongst the Officers of the Dy. Secretary/AHC/AD | 27((V)/E-in-C/Dir/3257 | Office Order |
1038 | 06/11/2020 | IAS in PWD as Special Secretary, the Work Allocation | 27((V)/E-in-C/Dir/3256 | Office Order |
1039 | 05/11/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/10165-72 | Transfer & Posting |
1040 | 05/11/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineer (Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol.II/10157-64 | Transfer & Posting |
1041 | 05/11/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Executive Engineer (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/Pt.file-I/10174-81 | Transfer & Posting |
1042 | 05/11/2020 | Vigilance Clearance Certificate. | E-in-C/P/27(40)/3252 | Circular |
1043 | 04/11/2020 | Replies and other materials of questions/assurances and other important communications related to Parliament/Assembly business | No.F.11(388)/PWD-II/Misc.V.S.Q./2018/9995-9999 | Office Order |
1044 | 04/11/2020 | Partial Modification in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP's) w.r.t. Road Restoration and grant of Online Permission of Road Digging through PDM Software | F4(25)/2015-16/PWD-II/Roads/9506-34 | Circular |
1045 | 29/10/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/3801-H | Office Order |
1046 | 29/10/2020 | Additional charge of SE North East and SE Shahadra to be held by Sri Abhimanyu Kumar Director(Personal) on Superannuation of SC Raghav (29/10/2020) | 27(3)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2020/3193 | Office Order |
1047 | 29/10/2020 | Regarding Providing Complete and Accurate Personal Details of Employee in Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) | E-in-C/P/27(Misc)/3164 | Circular |
1048 | 28/10/2020 | Observance Of Vigilance Awareness Week 2020 - Online Interactive Session on 29th October, 2020 | E-in-C/P.W.D/DDV/281(27)/3141 | Office Order |
1049 | 28/10/2020 | Submission Of Final Receipts and Expenditure Accounts Duly Reconciled from PAO-22 & PAO-12 for the F.Y. 2019-20 | E-in-C/P.W.D/Works/E- Lekha/3149 | Circular |
1050 | 28/10/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/3753- H | Transfer & Posting |
1051 | 28/10/2020 | Regarding Disposition List | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/3738-H | Office Memorandum |
1052 | 27/10/2020 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of October, 2020 | F.4(Online Bidding)/T-IV/Allot/PWD/2020 | Housing Allotment |
1053 | 27/10/2020 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of October, 2020 | F.4/Type-II/Online Bidding/Allotment/PWD&H/October, 2020 | Housing Allotment |
1054 | 27/10/2020 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of October 2020 | F.4/Type-III/Online Bidding/Allot/PWD/Oct,20 | Housing Allotment |
1055 | 27/10/2020 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of August 2020 | F.4/Type-II/Online Bidding/Allotment/PWD&H/October, 2020 | Housing Allotment |
1056 | 27/10/2020 | Allotment List of Type-I for the month of October 2020 | F.4/Type-I/Online Bidding/Allotment/PWD&H/October 2020 | Housing Allotment |
1057 | 23/10/2020 | Vigilance Clearance Certificate. | 10(41)/PWD-I/Vig.Cir./2020/Vol.-VI/9122-25 | Circular |
1058 | 23/10/2020 | Vigilance Clearance Certificate. | 10(41)/PWD-I/Vig.Cir./2020/Vol.-VI/9122-25 | Circular |
1059 | 20/10/2020 | Posting of Sh. Md. Shafi Ahmad, AE(Civil) on diverted capacity. | Minhealth/Admin/2020/3482-87 | Office Order |
1060 | 20/10/2020 | Approval of Steel Manufacturers in PWD, Delhi | E-in-C/PWD/Works/NMET/2020/3497 | Office Memorandum |
1061 | 20/10/2020 | Integration of Nirman Jyoti Software with Compact 2000/Implementation of E-Lekha Software(Nirman Jyoti) | E-in-C/PWD/Works/E-Lekha/3011 | Circular |
1062 | 19/10/2020 | Vigilance Clearance Certificate | E-in-C/P27(40)/2993 | Circular |
1063 | 14/10/2020 | Regarding PIMS ID from attach in North Electrical Division, Public Works Department | 9(1)/NED.PWD/2020-21/1187 | Circular |
1064 | 14/10/2020 | Observing Vigilance Awareness Week, 2020 w.e.f . 27th October to 2nd November 2020:-
1. Essay Writing Competition
2. Drawing / Painting Competition
3. Slogan Writing Competition | 21/9/2020-VS.I | Circular |
1065 | 13/10/2020 | Vigilance Clearance Certificate | E-in-C/P/27(40)3003 | Circular |
1066 | 08/10/2020 | Revision of rates of Licence Fee of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi Residential (General Pool) Accommodation- Reg. | F.4(1)/Misc./PWD&H/A-II/2004/Part.file/8494-8588 | Housing Allotment |
1067 | 07/10/2020 | Superintending Engineers (PWD) and Delhi Traffic Police Officers are hereby directed to conduct joint inspections in their respective areas for requirement of signages and other requirements for prevention of Road accidents. | 11/173/2015/HP-II/2645-2646 | Office Order |
1068 | 01/10/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Md. Shafi Ahmad, AE(Civil) | E-in-C/P/27(2)/2020/2780 | Transfer & Posting |
1069 | 30/09/2020 | Office Memorandum Regarding Vigilance Clearances of PWD Officers of Engineering Wing | No.F.10(78) PWD-I/Misc./Vig./2020/Vol-IV/8063-73 | Housing Allotment |
1070 | 29/09/2020 | In continuation of this office order issued vide even no. 3188-93 dt. 23.09.2020,services of Sh. Braj pal, AE(Civil)/TSO, posted on diverted capacity from PWD, GNCTD | E-in-C/P/27(2)/275/(H) | Office Order |
1071 | 29/09/2020 | Sh. Braj Pal, AE(Civil)/ Technical Officers, posted on diverted capacity from PWD, GNCTD | E-in-C/P/27(2)/2752 | Office Order |
1072 | 28/09/2020 | Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week from 27th October 2020 to 2nd November 2020 | 21/9/2020-VSI | Circular |
1073 | 28/09/2020 | Fee payable to Arbitrators (For retired Officers) | E-in-C/ Director(M)/ARB/PWD/2018/7690-93 | Office Memorandum |
1074 | 25/09/2020 | Extension Of Contractual engagement of Employees-reg | E-in-C/P/48(2)/2019/2681 | Circular |
1075 | 22/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Executive Engineer (Elect.) | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/Vol.II/7285-92 | Transfer & Posting |
1076 | 21/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Executive Engineer (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/PL.file-I/7293-7300 | Transfer & Posting |
1077 | 18/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineer (Elect) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Voll.II/790-7308 | Transfer & Posting |
1078 | 18/09/2020 | Status of all the ongoing works and sanctioned works be updated on the PWD website on priority | E-in-C/PWD/Works/Misc./2020/2924 | Circular |
1079 | 16/09/2020 | Nominate nodal Officer regarding Flood and Monsoon Preparedness for Central Control Room, DC (East). | 20(72)/WUA/2622-H | Circular |
1080 | 15/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/3024- H | Transfer & Posting |
1081 | 11/09/2020 | Vigilance Clearance Certificate. | E-in-C/P/27(40)/2440 | Circular |
1082 | 10/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/2960- H | Transfer & Posting |
1083 | 07/09/2020 | Appointment of Nodal Officer regarding WP(C) No. 13029 of 1985 titled as “M.C. Mehta Vs Union of India in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. | E-in-C/Dir(M)/Nodal Officer/2020/2420 | Office Memorandum |
1084 | 04/09/2020 | Strengthening of Administration- periodical review under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rule, 1972 in respect of Group 'A' Officers | 24(6)/PWD/E-in-C/2020/2413 | Circular |
1085 | 04/09/2020 | Design Development and Implementation Of ERP solution for cpwd- Reg Subordinate Cadres "Organization Structure" | E-in-C/D(P)/29(1)/2020/2399 | Office Order |
1086 | 03/09/2020 | Monthly Report on Review Exercise undertaken under FR 56(j)/ similar provisions- Furnishing of information for the month of August, 2020 Timely Submission Regarding. | 24(6)/E-in-C/D(P)/2357 | Office Memorandum |
1087 | 03/09/2020 | Periodic Review of Central Government Employees for Strengthening of administration under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(I) and Rule 48 of CCS(Pension) Rule, 1972 | 24(6)/E-in-C/D(P)/2358 | Office Memorandum |
1088 | 03/09/2020 | Regarding updating data in pims | 27(Diverse)/E-in-C/PWD/2020/2369 | Circular |
1089 | 01/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Sr. Draftsman (Electrical) | 28(2)/2020-E/(S)M/2179 | Transfer & Posting |
1090 | 01/09/2020 | Respective Areas for Requirement of Signages and other Requirements for Prevention of Road Accidents, as per earlier list provided by Delhi Police. | 11/173/2015/HP-II/2645-2646 | Office Order |
1091 | 01/09/2020 | Nomination of Nodal Officer for Steering Group for "Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Bus Queue Shelters". | E-in-C/M/NodalOfficer/2020/2340 | Office Memorandum |
1092 | 01/09/2020 | Nomination of Nodal Officer for Construction of National Highways in Delhi- Outstanding issues- reg. | E-in-C/M/NodalOfficer/2020/2338 | Office Memorandum |
1093 | 01/09/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Sr. Draftsman (Civil) | 28(2)/2020-E/(S)M/2178 | Transfer & Posting |
1094 | 31/08/2020 | Additional Charge of CPM in DTTDC,GNCTD to Sh. Pramod Kumar Tomar, PM- 5, Flyover Zone, PWD. | 10(13)/PWD-I/2014/Pt.file-II/ 5955-61 | Office Order |
1095 | 26/08/2020 | Allotment List of Type-I for the month of August 2020 | F.4/Type-I/Online Bidding/Allotment/PWD&H/August 2020 | Housing Allotment |
1096 | 26/08/2020 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of August 2020 | F.4/Type-III/Online Bidding/Allotment/PWD&H/August 2020 | Housing Allotment |
1097 | 26/08/2020 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of August 2020 | F.4/TYPE-II/Online Bidding/Allotment/PWD&H/August 2020 | Housing Allotment |
1098 | 26/08/2020 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the Month of August 2020 | F.4(Online Bidding)/T-IV/ALLOT/PWD/2020 | Housing Allotment |
1099 | 26/08/2020 | Nomination Of Nodal Officer for Steering Group for "Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Bus Queue Shelters". | E-in-C/M/NodalOfficer/2020/2269 | Office Memorandum |
1100 | 24/08/2020 | Compliance of Unlock 2 Guidelines and other Issues relating to response to COVID-19 pandecmic | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2020/2242 | Office Order |
1101 | 24/08/2020 | Health & Family Welfare Department GNCT of Delhi has issued the Delhi Epidmic Diseases | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2020/2232 | Office Order |
1102 | 20/08/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer (Electrical) | 27(4)E-in-C/PWD/2020/2210 | Transfer & Posting |
1103 | 18/08/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer (Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/North West/Estd-3/2594 (H) | Office Memorandum |
1104 | 17/08/2020 | Approved Panel of Arbitrators of PWD, GNCTD | ARB/PWD/E-in-C/Work/2165 | Circular |
1105 | 17/08/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Office Suprintendents. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2020/2142 | Transfer & Posting |
1106 | 14/08/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Executive Engineer(Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/Pt.file-I/6552-59 | Transfer & Posting |
1107 | 07/08/2020 | Requisite Documents for Payment of Ex-gratia to the Family of Deceased Employee Employeed during Covid-19 - Regarding.
| E-in-C/P/41(11)/2020/2068 | Office Order |
1108 | 31/07/2020 | Expenditure Management and Rationalization of Expenditure- COVID-19 outbreaks. | PWD/2020/8507 | Office Order |
1109 | 31/07/2020 | Instructional Order On Preparedness for Monsoon | DJB/M(DR)/2020/621 | Circular |
1110 | 24/07/2020 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in August & October, 2020 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/5036-5120 | Housing Allotment |
1111 | 24/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Office Suprintendents. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1919 | Transfer & Posting |
1112 | 24/07/2020 | Take Necessary Steps for immediate Removal of Stagnant Water Resulting Due to the Incessant Rain in Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/OO/2020/2077 | Office Order |
1113 | 22/07/2020 | Directions Regarding Water Logging at Minto Bridge | E-in-C/PWD/Works/OO/2020/2073 | Office Memorandum |
1114 | 22/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Draftsman (Civil) | 28(2)/2020-E/S(M)/1666 | Transfer & Posting |
1115 | 21/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Sh. Bharat Bhushan Makkar, Pr. CE (M&F) | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/ Chief Engineer/2017/4844-51 | Office Order |
1116 | 21/07/2020 | Base Rate of Materials Covered under 10CA | E-in-C/PWD/W/2020/2055 | Office Memorandum |
1117 | 20/07/2020 | Time period to attend / reply the VIPs (MP/ MLA / VIP) Communications | CS/2020/10362-10363 | Circular |
1118 | 17/07/2020 | Issue of Administrative Approval & Expenditure Sanction | 61(4)/ADPL/PWD/GBPEC/2016-17/PF-I/033451396/75 | Circular |
1119 | 17/07/2020 | Regarding issuing other orders through PIMS. | 18(105)/DDG(e-Gov & BD)/2020/59 | Office Memorandum |
1120 | 16/07/2020 | Integration of Nirman Jyoti Software with Compact 2000/Implementation of E-Lekha Software (Nirman Jyoti). | E-in-C/PWD/W/E-Lekha/1854 | Circular |
1121 | 16/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer (Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North West/Estd-3/2123 (H) | Transfer & Posting |
1122 | 15/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Director (Hort.) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/455-462 | Transfer & Posting |
1123 | 09/07/2020 | Appointment of Nodal Officer regarding "W.P. (C) No. 4534 of 2015 CM No. 14111/2016, 12121/2020 titled as " Arpit Bhargava Vs North Delhi Munciple Corporation & Ors. | E-in-C/Dir (M)/Nodal Officer/2020/1738 | Circular |
1124 | 09/07/2020 | Constitution of COVID-19 Support Group for the help of suspected/COVID-19 positive PWD employees and their family members. | E-in-C/PWD/W/00/20/1874 | Office Memorandum |
1125 | 08/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant in Architectural Department | 28(2)/2020-E/(S)M/Arch/1576 | Transfer & Posting |
1126 | 08/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Draftsman (Civil) | 28(2)/2020-E/(S)M/1575 | Transfer & Posting |
1127 | 07/07/2020 | Implementation of E-Lekha Software (Nirman Jyoti). | E-in-C/PWD/Works/E-Lekha/1870 | Circular |
1128 | 01/07/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Voll.II/4406-12 | Circular |
1129 | 26/06/2020 | Progress of desilting work and measures taken at water logging vulnerable locations | E-in-C/Work/PWD/2020/1674 | Office Order |
1130 | 18/06/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone/Est-3/1871 | Office Order |
1131 | 16/06/2020 | Regarding Leaves for field staff of maintenance units during monsoon period. | 23(37)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2020/1134 | Office Order |
1132 | 16/06/2020 | Regarding inspection of during pumps in view of upcoming monsoon season. | 23(37)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2020/1130 | Office Order |
1133 | 15/06/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Finance Officers. | 27(1)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir/2020/1569(H) | Office Order |
1134 | 08/06/2020 | CBI RC-DAI-2015-A-0008 registered against S/Sh. M.C.Sharma, AE(Elect) & C.P. Sahoo, JE(Elect.) EMSD-2513-reg. | 10(43)/PWD-I/Vig./RC-DAI/2017/4120-4121 | Circular |
1135 | 08/06/2020 | Strenghtening of various road such as 80 feet wide road MS Garden Road, Rama road (Satguru RAm Singh Marg), Bus route B-14 Tagore Market to G-82 Kirti Nagar, GL Sikka Marg, Link road-I &II, T-Sohan Lal marg, Suman Lata Badola Marg, Madhav Setu Marg D/ story under PWD Maintenance Division WR-2/Sub-division WR-21, New Delhi during 2019-20. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/2019/3503-15 | Circular |
1136 | 08/06/2020 | Strenghtening of Rothak Road (NH-10) from Zakhira Round about to Metro Pillar No. 526 (Length 11.331KM) under PWD, Maintenance Division West Road-2, New Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/2019/3582-94 | Circular |
1137 | 08/06/2020 | Repair and Rehabilitation of ISBT Floyover (Yudhister Setu) Kashmere Gate, Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/3650-61 | Circular |
1138 | 08/06/2020 | Reconstruction of CC Road including raising of Railway Road at Samaypur Badli Village, Durga Chowk to Gujjar Chowk at Bhalswa Dairy and Mangal Bazar Road at Jahangirpuri, Delhi. | E-in-C/Dir/W/PE/3531-43 | Circular |
1139 | 08/06/2020 | Strenghtening/Resurfacing of carriageway of Auchandi Border to Tatesar Village Road, Princess Road, Model Town-II Road, Model Town-III Road, Fire Station to Pump House Road, Kushal Cinema Road, Malik Ram Tandon Marg, Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar to Mehta Transport Road under North Road Division, Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/2019/3621-33 | Circular |
1140 | 08/06/2020 | Re-Carpeting of Najafgarh Road from Raja Garden to Uttam Nagar T Point under Division WR-1, PWD, New Delhi. | AE(P)North/CE(N)/PWD/Est./3608-20 | Circular |
1141 | 08/06/2020 | Strengthening of SSN Marg (ID:392) and 100 Foota Road (ID:1187). | E-in-C/Dir(W)/PE/2019/3595-3607 | Circular |
1142 | 08/06/2020 | Construction of R.C.C. drain from village Palla to Hiranki Check Post via Village Bakhtawar Pur under PWD North Roads, Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/2019/3557-69 | Circular |
1143 | 08/06/2020 | Strengthening of various roads under PWD Division West Road-2. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/2019/3634-46 | Circular |
1144 | 08/06/2020 | Strengthening of road from NH-44 to Hiranki Bandh via Subhash Chowk, Bakhtawarpur and G.T. Road from Azadpur H Point to Nanak Piao Gurudwara, PWD Division North Roads. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/2019/3544-56 | Circular |
1145 | 05/06/2020 | Delhi Works Advisory Board Meeting held on 21.05.2020 at 2.30 PM to consider the Tender for following name of Work. | E-in-C/Dir/Work/DWAB/2020/1536 | Circular |
1146 | 04/06/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil/Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone(M)/Est-3/1750 | Office Memorandum |
1147 | 03/06/2020 | Regional Works Advisory Board Meeting held on 27.05.2020 at 2.30 PM to consider the Tender for following name of Work. | E-in-C/Dir/Work/DWAB/2020/1662 | Circular |
1148 | 03/06/2020 | Delhi Works Advisory Board Meeting held on 27.05.2020 at 2.00 PM to consider the Tender for following name of Work. | E-in-C/Dir/Work/DWAB/2020/1663 | Circular |
1149 | 02/06/2020 | Transfer and Posting of E-in-C Shri Shashi kant | N/A | Office Order |
1150 | 02/06/2020 | Approval of Products of Surendra Spun Pipes on Trial basis. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/NMET/2020/1660(E) | Office Memorandum |
1151 | 01/06/2020 | Repair and Rehabilitation of ISBT Flyover(Yudhister Setu) Kashmere Gate, Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/3650-61 | Circular |
1152 | 29/05/2020 | Aprroval of steel manufacturers in PWD, Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/NMET/2020/1638 | Circular |
1153 | 26/05/2020 | Regarding sanction Post | 29(1)/E-in-C/P/PWD/2020/1465 | Circular |
1154 | 22/05/2020 | Approval of Decor Modular brand of products of Decor Modular System Pvt. Ltd. on trial basis. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/NMET/2020/1568 | Office Memorandum |
1155 | 19/05/2020 | Inspection for various drain work under North Road Maintenance Division on 18.05.2020 at 11:00 a.m | 23(1417)/NMC/PWD/2020-21/1133 | Notification |
1156 | 12/05/2020 | Regarding Cancellation of Online Bidding of Type-I, II, III & IV for the month May, 2020 | No.F.4.(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F.-II/3795-3804 | Housing Allotment |
1157 | 12/05/2020 | Regarding Cancellation of Online Bidding of Type-I, II, III & IV for the month March, 2020 | No.F.4.(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F.-II/3795-3804 | Housing Allotment |
1158 | 06/05/2020 | Transfer and Posting of Deputy Director (Horticulture) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/3769-76 | Transfer & Posting |
1159 | 05/05/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Architect | 10(52)/PWD-I/T&P/Architect/2017/Vol.II/3744-51 | Transfer & Posting |
1160 | 05/05/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Executive Engineer (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/Pt.File-I/3752-59 | Transfer & Posting |
1161 | 04/05/2020 | Transfer & Posting of AE (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/3690-3697 | Transfer & Posting |
1162 | 04/05/2020 | Transfer & Posting of AE (Electrical) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol.II/3680-89 | Transfer & Posting |
1163 | 19/03/2020 | Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID19. | 27(P)/E-in-C/Dir(P)/1306 | Office Memorandum |
1164 | 18/03/2020 | Approval of Steel Manufacturers in PWD, Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/NMET/2020/1467 | Office Memorandum |
1165 | 18/03/2020 | Revised Budget allocation for Schemes/Programme/Projects 2019-20. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/Budget/2020/1449(E) | Circular |
1166 | 17/03/2020 | Regarding approved posts. | 29(1)/ E-in-C/P/PWD/2020/1248(H) | Circular |
1167 | 16/03/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Director (Hort.) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/3208-15 | Office Order |
1168 | 16/03/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone(M)/Est-3/1382 | Office Order |
1169 | 13/03/2020 | Reorganisation of Circle units in PWD. | PWD/E-in-C/2020/1184 | Circular |
1170 | 13/03/2020 | Additional Charge of EEs. | 27(15)/E-in-C/PWD/E-1/1190 (H) | Office Order |
1171 | 13/03/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Sh. Vijay Kumar, Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/3078-85 | Office Order |
1172 | 12/03/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone(M)/Est-3/1330 | Office Order |
1173 | 11/03/2020 | Technical Know-how about HIV / AIDS by means of Audio - Visual Aids & Lectures along with a demonstration on how to use HIV / AIDS Self Testing Kits for all the Officers and Personnel of the Public Works Department is the various PWD offices of Delhi. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2018/1114(H) | Circular |
1174 | 09/03/2020 | Presentation of Products | E-in-C/PWD/Works/NMET/2020/1322 | Circular |
1175 | 06/03/2020 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in March & May, 2020 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/2939-88 | Housing Allotment |
1176 | 06/03/2020 | Regarding Temporary Suspension/exemption from Biometric Attendence | E-in-C/P/46(20)2018/13/0 | Circular |
1177 | 03/03/2020 | Strengthening of Administration- Periodical review under FR 56 (j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rule, 1972 in respect of Group 'A' officers. | 24(6)/E-in-C/Dir(P)/1013 | Office Memorandum |
1178 | 03/03/2020 | Misuse of Maintenanace Vehicle No. DL-1AB-6889. | 23(155)/CE(South)M/EE(P)/PWD/60 | Office Order |
1179 | 02/03/2020 | Regarding request for providing data & appointment of Nodal Officers for assessment Frameworks for Ease of Living Index (EoLI) and Municipal Performance Index (MPI)2019. | 23(80)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/677 | Office Order |
1180 | 26/02/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/2543-50 | Office Order |
1181 | 26/02/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Architect. | 10(52)/PWD-I/T&P/Architect/2017/Voll.II/2516-2523 | Office Order |
1182 | 26/02/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Executive Engineer(Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/Pt.file-I/2508-2515 | Office Order |
1183 | 26/02/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/2524-2531 | Office Order |
1184 | 25/02/2020 | Eviction Notice to Unauthorized Occupants/Encroachers of DA Flats Type- I, II & III | No.F.4(I,II&III)/Allot/Unth./PWD&H/2020/2551-53 | Housing Allotment |
1185 | 25/02/2020 | Eviction Notice to Unauthorized Occupants/Encroachers of DA Flats Type- IV & Above | No.F.4(Allot)/T-V/Anti Corrpn vs HOD, D.O. Est & Anr/2536-41 | Housing Allotment |
1186 | 24/02/2020 | Transfer & Posting of A.AD.O and Office Superintendents. | 27(1)/E-in-C/PWD/2020/869 | Office Order |
1187 | 19/02/2020 | Office Memorandum Reg. Matter of WPC 11644/2019 titled Anti Corruption Council of India vs H.O.D, Dte. of Estates & ANR | No.F.4(Allot)/T-V/Anti Corrpn vs HOD, D.O. Est & Anr/ 12330-35 | Housing Allotment |
1188 | 18/02/2020 | Relieving of Officers/officials deployed for conduct of General Election to Delhi Legislative Assembly Election, 2020. | F.2/01/2019/8.1/507 | Circular |
1189 | 10/02/2020 | Withheld of Departmental due from M/s Purvanchal Associates. | 54(340-Part)/karkardooma court Divn/2019-20/09E | Office Memorandum |
1190 | 10/02/2020 | Timely submission of report on Review exercise undertaken under FR 56(j)/similar provision-Furnishing of information regarding. | 24(6)/E-in-C/Dir/672 | Office Memorandum |
1191 | 06/02/2020 | Day to Day Dak to be looked into by Sh. A.K. Ahuja, Pr. CE (Project). | 27(19)/E-in-C/PWD/E-1/2020/637 | Office Order |
1192 | 27/01/2020 | Draft Proposal of Restructuring of PWD Delhi. | E-in-C/PWD/W/Misc/2020/771(E) | Circular |
1193 | 23/01/2020 | Exemption for Government building from operation of Municipal Laws to regulate their erection (the composition of the Building Committee, PWD) | E-in-C/Dir(W)/2020/706 | Office Memorandum |
1194 | 21/01/2020 | Exemption for Government building from operation of Municipal Laws to regulate their erection (the composition of the Building Committee, PWD) | PWD/E-in-C/Work/2020/384(H) | Office Memorandum |
1195 | 21/01/2020 | Delhi Legislative Assembly Election 2020 is to be held on 08.02.2020 and the election process will be completed upto 12.02.2020 | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2025/380 | Circular |
1196 | 20/01/2020 | Submission of Online Quarterly Report under Section 25 (ii) of RTI Act 2005 for the Quarter Ending 31.12.2019. | E-in-C/M/Return/2019-20/378(H) | Office Order |
1197 | 20/01/2020 | Furnishing of details of Assistant Engineers Maintenance, PWD Roads in Delhi | E-in-C/PWD/Works/RC/2020/628 | Circular |
1198 | 17/01/2020 | List of Development /Construction works – regarding General Elections to Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi, 2020 | E-in-C/PWD/Works/Misc./2020/605(E) | Office Order |
1199 | 15/01/2020 | Modified Policy / revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP's) w.r.t. Road Restoration and Grant of Online Permision of Road Digging through PDM Software. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/RC/2020/553 | Circular |
1200 | 13/01/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone(M)/Est-3/126 | Office Order |
1201 | 09/01/2020 | Required the list of works under progress as well as the works going to start in near future. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/Office Order/2020/329 | Office Order |
1202 | 09/01/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Senior Accounts Officers. | 27(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2020/211 | Office Order |
1203 | 08/01/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Sh. Ramakant Prasad, as Senior Architect(Projects). | 10(52)/PWD-I/T&P/ARCHITECT/2017/Voll-II/61-68 | Office Order |
1204 | 07/01/2020 | Implementation of Model Code of Conduct- General Election to Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi, 2020- Regarding | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2020/91 | Circular |
1205 | 06/01/2020 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone(M)/Est-3/79(H) | Office Order |
1206 | 02/01/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Sh. Ashwini Kumar Deshwal, Assistant Director (Hort.) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/18216-23 | Office Order |
1207 | 02/01/2020 | Transfer/Posting Of Executive Engineer(Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/P.F-I/23-30 | Office Order |
1208 | 02/01/2020 | Compliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India order in WP(C) No. 13029/1985, titled M.C. Mehta Vs UOI & Ors. | E-in-C/Dir(M)/Air Pollution/2019/6240(H) | Circular |
1209 | 01/01/2020 | Advisory regarding Quality Aspects on PWD,GNCTD works. | 23(12)/SE/QAU/PWD/01 | Office Memorandum |
1210 | 31/12/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Sh. Rama Shankar Dubey, Office Suprintendent | 27(2A)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/6263 | Transfer & Posting |
1211 | 31/12/2019 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Construction of new Hospital at Siraspur at the cost of Rs 487.54 (Revised) | 8(A)/17/DGHS/HC/2019/CD#000579822/Js3hfw-4212-4230 | Circular |
1212 | 31/12/2019 | A/A and E/S for Expansion & Remodeling of Dr. Hedgewar Arogya Sansthan from 200 bedded to 550 bedded Hospital at the cost of Rs 210.24 Crore (Revised) | 32(16)/2018-DHAS/Remodeling/PWD/DHS/Part-II/CD#112518088/Js3hfw-4286-4304 | Circular |
1213 | 31/12/2019 | Payment to Contractual/Outsourced Employees. | E-in-C/Dir/48(2)/2019/6241 | Circular |
1214 | 30/12/2019 | Joseph A.I (Sr. Accounts Officer) shall stand relieved from 31.12.2019 (A/N) | 27(1)E-in-C/Dir/6206 | Circular |
1215 | 24/12/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE & JE(Elect.)/2016/vol.-II/17953-60 | Office Order |
1216 | 24/12/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE & JE(Elect.)/2016/vol.-II/17721-17728 | Office Order |
1217 | 23/12/2019 | Extension of Flyover from Ashram Flyover to DND Flyover. SH FOBs, Ramps, Footpath, Road Work include Road Signage, Street Light Works, Drainage & allied Works. | 057475804/dispwd/17408-19 | Circular |
1218 | 23/12/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE & JE/2016/vol.-II/17729-17736 | Office Order |
1219 | 23/12/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE & JE/2016/vol.-II/17737-44 | Office Order |
1220 | 23/12/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Executive Engineer(Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/P.F.-I/17713-17720 | Office Order |
1221 | 23/12/2019 | Minimum wages | 12(142)/02/MW/VII/3636 | Office Order |
1222 | 20/12/2019 | Transfer/ Posting of Office Superintendents | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/5965 | Office Order |
1223 | 19/12/2019 | Delegation of Financial Power to HODs and Adminsitrative Secretary, GNCTD. | E-in-C/PWD/W/2019/6876 | Circular |
1224 | 19/12/2019 | Furnishing of status report regarding disbursement of arrears of minimum wages at enhanced rates for the month of October, 2019, disbursement f wages at enhanced rates for the month of November, 2019 and disbursement of bonus as per bonus advisory dated 15.10.2019 issued by Labour Department in respect of outsourced staff. | 247/Addl.L.C./Meeting/HODs/Lab./2019/4540 | Circular |
1225 | 19/12/2019 | Composition of Review Committee in respect of Group "B" (Gazetted) Officers. | E-in-C/Dir/24(6)/PWD/2019/6079 | Office Order |
1226 | 19/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Finance Officers | 27(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/6861 | Transfer & Posting |
1227 | 19/12/2019 | Implentation of the RTI Act 2005/SPIOs & FAAs in O/o E-in-C, PWD, GNCTD. | E-In-C/PWD/Dir(M)/2019/6103 | Office Order |
1228 | 18/12/2019 | Allotment List of Type-I for the month of December 2019 | F.4/Type-I/OnlineBidding/Allotment/PWD&H/December/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1229 | 18/12/2019 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of December 2019 | F.No.4/II/Online Bidding/PWD/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1230 | 18/12/2019 | Allotment List of Type-I for the month of December 2019 | F.4/Type-I/OnlineBidding/Allotment/PWD&H/December/2019 | Office Order |
1231 | 18/12/2019 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of December 2019 | No.F.4(ALLOT)/PWD/OnlineBidding/December/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1232 | 18/12/2019 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of December 2019 | No.F.4(ALLOT)/PWD/OnlineBidding/December/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1233 | 18/12/2019 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the Month of December 2019 | F.4(OnlineBidding)/Allot/T-IV/PWD/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1234 | 18/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/North Zone(M)/Est-3/6977 | Office Order |
1235 | 18/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Draftsman(Civil). | 28(2)/2019-E/(South)M/6100 | Office Order |
1236 | 18/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Senior Draftsman(Civil). | 28(2)/2019-E/(South)M/898 | Office Order |
1237 | 18/12/2019 | Implentation of the RTI Act 2005/SPIOs & FAAs in PWD, GNCTD | E-In-C/PWD/Dir(M)/2019/6043(H) | Office Memorandum |
1238 | 18/12/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts./Agencies. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/6058 | Circular |
1239 | 17/12/2019 | Periodical review under FR 56(j)/56(i) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 in r/o Group A & B officers of PWD, GNCTD. Reg. | 24(6)/E-in-C/P/6054 | Circular |
1240 | 16/12/2019 | Regarding issue of Cemtralized guidelines to all PWD units throughout Delhi for permitting M/s Presto Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi for installation of Wi-Fi equipments and laying of OFC on PWD on and around Street Light Poles. | E-in-C/PWD/GNCTD/2019-20/6830 | Circular |
1241 | 16/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Sh. Nikhil Soni, Assistant Architect | 10(52)/PWD-I/T&P/Architect/2017/Vol-II/17252-59 | Office Order |
1242 | 16/12/2019 | Regarding Payment of New Minimum Wages and Arrear of D.A. applicable to Outsourced/ Contractual staff of PWD | E-in-C/P/48(2)/2019/6030 | Circular |
1243 | 16/12/2019 | Review of Mechanism to Ensure Probity of Government Servants- Strengthening of Administration - Periodical review under FR 56(j)/FR 56(I) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rule 1972. | E-in-C/Dir/24(6)PWD/2019/6027 | Circular |
1244 | 16/12/2019 | Safai Karmacharis Expressing concerns over the Sewer Deaths in Delhi. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/6024 | Circular |
1245 | 13/12/2019 | Regarding issue of Centralized Guidelines to all PWD units throughtout Delhi for Permitting M/s Presto Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi for Installation of Wi-Fi Equipments and Laying of OFC on PWD onand around street light poles. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/CSW/2019/6782 | Circular |
1246 | 13/12/2019 | Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November,2019 and year-long activities on Citizens Duties from 26.11.2019 to 26.11.2020 | E-in-C/P/41(11)2019/5994 | Circular |
1247 | 13/12/2019 | Inter-pool exchange of General Pool Residential Accommodation and Departmental Pool Residential Accommodation. | E-in-C/P/114/2019/6002 | Office Memorandum |
1248 | 12/12/2019 | Composition of Dispute Redressal Committee (for all claims in dispute) | PWD/E-in-C/Work/2019/5974 | Office Memorandum |
1249 | 12/12/2019 | Channel of Submission of Proposal of Service Matters of Officers/ officials of PWD Officers Posted in PWD from CPWD. | 24(6)/E-in-C/Director Personal/597 | Circular |
1250 | 06/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Sh. P.K. Tripathi, as Director (Hort.) | 27(16)/E-in-C/Dir/2019/16849-54 | Office Order |
1251 | 06/12/2019 | Guidelines on Memo Forwarding Arbitration awards for Consideration of E-in-C/Ministry/Secretariat. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/DWAB/2019/5894 | Office Memorandum |
1252 | 04/12/2019 | E-RTI Online Training Program Dated 11.12.2019 at 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM. | E-in-C/Monitoring/RTI Online/2019/5821 | Circular |
1253 | 03/12/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Draftsman(Elect). | 28(2)/2019-E(South)M/5835 | Office Order |
1254 | 03/12/2019 | "Annual Health Check-up Scheme" | 1(12)/H&FW/DGHS/4436-4686 | Office Memorandum |
1255 | 03/12/2019 | Joining Report of PURSHOTTAAM DASS, Senior Draughtsman(C) | E-in-C/P/27(17)/2019/6524 | Circular |
1256 | 29/11/2019 | Forwarding of Various PUCs received form different Depts./ Agencies. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/5742 | Circular |
1257 | 29/11/2019 | Regarding to Pay New Minimum Wages and Arrear for Revised Minimum wages to Outsourced Staff in PWD. | E-in-C/P/4825/2019/5746 | Circular |
1258 | 28/11/2019 | Cleaning Of Sewer line and Sewerage System-Safety Measures Regarding. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/MSS/2019/5727 | Circular |
1259 | 28/11/2019 | Corrigendum-Transfer of Sh. Rup Lal, Executive Engineer(E) may be read as South West Health Electriccal Dicvision instead of South West Electrical Division. | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/16124-31 | Office Order |
1260 | 27/11/2019 | Guidelines on Memo forwarding Tender for Consideration of RWAB/DWAB. | E-in-C/PWD/Works/DWAB/2019/6409 | Office Memorandum |
1261 | 26/11/2019 | Compliance for Hon'ble Supreme Court Writ Petition No. 13029/1985 regarding Air Pollution - Daily Report | U.O.No./PS/PWD/2019/5057-5058 | Circular |
1262 | 22/11/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Electrical) | 21(11)/PWD/CE(N)/est.-3/6451 | Office Order |
1263 | 22/11/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/CE(N)/est.-3/6450 | Office Order |
1264 | 20/11/2019 | Details of Pending Payment of Final Bills. | E-in-C/PWD/W/Office Order/2019/6262 | Circular |
1265 | 19/11/2019 | Prohibitory Order u/s 144 CrPc | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/5568 | Circular |
1266 | 15/11/2019 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in December, 2019 | No.F.4(D-7)/T-III/MDN/PWD/12288-90 | Housing Allotment |
1267 | 13/11/2019 | Use of Dust Suppressants with Water Sprinkling to Control Road Dust. | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/5485 | Circular |
1268 | 11/11/2019 | Disposal of C&D Waste | E-in-C/PWD/W/Office Order/2019/6083 | Office Memorandum |
1269 | 09/11/2019 | Opening of Office on Holiday i.e. 10/11/2019 and 12/11/2019 | 41(11)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/5465-H | Office Order |
1270 | 08/11/2019 | Compliance for Hon'ble Supreme Court Writ Petition No. 13029/1985 regarding Air Pollution | E-in-C/Dir(M)/CourtCase/2019/5455-H | Office Order |
1271 | 07/11/2019 | Payment of Bonus to Contract/Outsourced Workes/Employees engaged by PWD, Delhi under Payment of Bonus Act,1965-regarding. | 48(2)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/5388 | Circular |
1272 | 05/11/2019 | Review exercise undertaken under FR(56(j)/similar provisions-Furnishing of Information Regarding. | 24(6)/E-in-C/P/5364 | Office Memorandum |
1273 | 05/11/2019 | Unauthorized Printing and Sale of Morth Specification for Road and Bridge Works and other IRC Codes & Specifications | IRC-13(6)/2016 | Circular |
1274 | 05/11/2019 | Transfer/ Posting of Office Superintendents | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/5355 | Transfer & Posting |
1275 | 04/11/2019 | Compliance of Payment of Final Bill of Contractor | E-in_C/PWD/W/Office Order/2019/5819 | Office Order |
1276 | 04/11/2019 | Payment of Bonus to Contractual employees/workers. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2018/5338 | Circular |
1277 | 01/11/2019 | Celebration of 58th PWD Day- Outstanding achievement and meritorious services rendered by the officers & staff of PWD for E-in-C Medal and Certificate of Merit. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/Part File/2019/5336 | Office Memorandum |
1278 | 31/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Assistant Accounts Officer | E-in-C/Dir(P/27(1)/2019/14631-14637 | Office Order |
1279 | 25/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Executive Engineer(Civil) | 27(50)/E-in-C/DIR/2019/14615-22 | Office Order |
1280 | 25/10/2019 | Possibility of using available reinforcement bars from the site of World Class Skill Centre at Jonapur, Delhi. | 54(101)/EE/EPD-2/(F-111)/PWD/2019-20/160 | Office Memorandum |
1281 | 23/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Architect | 10(52)/PWD-I/T&P/ARCHITECT/2017/Vol-II/14332-39 | Transfer & Posting |
1282 | 23/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Executive Engineer(Elect.) | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/14340-47 | Transfer & Posting |
1283 | 22/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Executive Engineer(Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/1491-98 | Office Order |
1284 | 21/10/2019 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the Month of October 2019 | F.4(OnlineBidding)/Allot/T-IV/PWD/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1285 | 21/10/2019 | Allotment List of Type-I for the Month of October 2019 | F.4/TYPE-I/OnlineBidding/Allotment/PWD&H/October2019 | Housing Allotment |
1286 | 21/10/2019 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of October 2019 | F.4/II/OnlineBidding/PWD&H/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1287 | 21/10/2019 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of October 2019 | No.F.4(ALLOT)/PWD/ONLINEBIDDING/OCTOBER/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1288 | 21/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/vol.-II/851-858 | Office Order |
1289 | 18/10/2019 | Transfer/Posting Assistant Accounts Officers | 27(1)/E-in-C/PWD/2019/5080 | Office Order |
1290 | 17/10/2019 | Half Day Holiday on 17th Oct 2019 on account of Phool Walon Ki Sair | 53/34/2016/GAD/CN/4088-4133 | Notification |
1291 | 10/10/2019 | Office Memorandum Regarding DE-2 Form Mandatory for Allotment of DA Flat (Type-IV and above) | No.F.4(5)/Misc./T-V&VI/Allot./PWD/2014/13606-25 | Office Memorandum |
1292 | 30/09/2019 | Readiness list of Executive Engineer(Civil) | E-in-C/Dir/27(2)/PWD/2019/4835 | Office Memorandum |
1293 | 27/09/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Senior Draftsman(Civil) | 28(2)/2019-E/(South)M/694 | Office Order |
1294 | 27/09/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Senior Draftsman(Elect). | 28(2)/2019-E/(South)M/695 | Office Order |
1295 | 27/09/2019 | Periority of SO(Horticulture). | 21(11)/PWD/CENZ/est-3/5300 | Office Memorandum |
1296 | 26/09/2019 | Transfer And Joining | 10(117)/OWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/P.F./12887-94 | Office Order |
1297 | 26/09/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Depts./ Agencies. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/4792 | Circular |
1298 | 25/09/2019 | Transfer/Posting Of Assistant Engineer(Electrical) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol.II/12811-18 | Office Order |
1299 | 24/09/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/NZ(M)/est-3/5280 | Office Order |
1300 | 24/09/2019 | Readiness List Of Assistant Account Officer and Office Superintendent . | E-in-C/Dir/27(1)/PWD/2019/4769 | Office Memorandum |
1301 | 23/09/2019 | Instructions to carry out regular inspections/checks to stamp out the misuse of Govt. Residential Accommodation i.e. Overstaying, Subletting, Unauthorized occupation & Unauthorized construction. | E-in-C/P/1/4/2016/4720 | Office Memorandum |
1302 | 20/09/2019 | Trasfer/Posting of Senior Architect | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/12654-12661 | Office Order |
1303 | 20/09/2019 | Rehability and strenghthening of Nehru Nagar Flyover(ROB) near Ashram on Ring Road,New Delhi.
| 057535641/12430-441 | Circular |
1304 | 19/09/2019 | Transfer/Posting Assistant Accounts Officer | 27(1)E-in-C/PWD/2019/4664 | Office Order |
1305 | 18/09/2019 | Readiness list of Assistant Engineer(Civil/Elect.)as on 30.09.2019. | E-in-C/Dir/P/27(2)/2019/4662 | Circular |
1306 | 18/09/2019 |
Office of the Commissioner of Police:Delhi
| E-in-C/P/1/(4)2018/5077 | Office Order |
1307 | 18/09/2019 | How to Celebrate 14 September Hindi Day 2019 | E-in-C/P/43(1)/2019/4629 | Circular |
1308 | 17/09/2019 | Transfer/Posting of Senior Draftsman(Civil) | 28(2)/2019-E/South(M)/634 | Transfer & Posting |
1309 | 17/09/2019 | Transfer/Posting of Senior Draftsman(Elect.) | 28(2)/2019-E/South(M)/635 | Transfer & Posting |
1310 | 13/09/2019 | Regarding Office Memorandum for Regular Inspections/Checks to stamp out the misuse of Govt. Residential Accommodation i.e Overstaying, Subletting, Unauthorized Occupations and Unauthorized Construction | No.F.10(115)/PWD/U.O/Subletting/2018/12340-46 | Office Memorandum |
1311 | 13/09/2019 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in October, 2019 | No.F.4(D-7)/T-III/MDN/PWD/12288-90 | Housing Allotment |
1312 | 12/09/2019 | Regarding commencement of system of payment of salary to the employees of the Delhi Government through electronic mode. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/4537 | Circular |
1313 | 06/09/2019 | List of SC/ST enterpreneurs willing to carry out supply orders/service Contracts. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/4473 | Circular |
1314 | 06/09/2019 | 24th Annual Convention and National Seminar on "Development of New Greenfield Townships" to be held in December 2019. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/4472 | Circular |
1315 | 05/09/2019 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Preliminary Estimate of Rs.533,90,79,516 for new block for Medicine,Maternity and Advanced Paediatric centre at L.N Hospital New Delhi. | 62-47(III)/Plg/LNH/PWD/2016-17-Js3hfw-2585-2603 | Circular |
1316 | 04/09/2019 | Regarding the death of 03 workers during cleaning of sewer in delhi on 28/06/2019(Delhi Jal Board)
| E-in-C/P/41(30)/2018/4425 | Circular |
1317 | 04/09/2019 | Directorate is bringing out Newsletter every month to share and disseminate the activities and achievements of the Department to the Public, Clients, Stakeholders and to entire CPWD fraternity through CPWD website. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/4423 | Circular |
1318 | 04/09/2019 | IBC Journal | E-in-C/P/10(13)/2018/4424 | Circular |
1319 | 03/09/2019 | Supply,Installation,Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Cameras in Delhi(Phase-II).(Proposal to double the number of installation of CCTV Cameras in RWA/MA). | ENC/DIR(M)/CCTV/2019/11243-54 | Circular |
1320 | 03/09/2019 | Providing Free Wi-Fi to the Citizens of Delhi(At bus stops and parks etc). | ENC/PWD/W/PE/2018-19/11207-11222 | Circular |
1321 | 02/09/2019 | Transfer and Posting | 28(2)/2019-E/(D0)M0/4083 | Transfer & Posting |
1322 | 29/08/2019 | Training Calendar of CPWD Academy for 2019-2020 | E-in-C/10(1)/2019/4319 | Training |
1323 | 29/08/2019 | List of JE's (Elect.) Working in PWD Delhi as on Aug 2019 | 21(11)/PWD/CE North/Estt-3/4670 | Transfer & Posting |
1324 | 29/08/2019 | Seniority List of JE's (Civil) Working in PWD Road Division's Delhi as on Aug-2019 | 21(11)/PWD/CE North/Estt-3/4669 | Transfer & Posting |
1325 | 29/08/2019 | Skill Development of Workmen in the Highway Construction Sector. | E in C/P/41(11)/2011/4309 | Circular |
1326 | 28/08/2019 | Minutes of Meeting with CPWD Employee Union on 2/08/2019
| E-in-C/P/Union/4284 | Circular |
1327 | 26/08/2019 | Transfer Order | 28(2)/2019-E/South(M)/4050 | Office Order |
1328 | 26/08/2019 | Transfer & Posting of JE(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/CE(N)/est-3/4612(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1329 | 22/08/2019 | Encouragement for use of Hindi Language | E-in-C/P/43(1)/2018/4187 | Office Memorandum |
1330 | 20/08/2019 | Restructuring of Horticulture Unit of PWD Delhi | PWD/E-in-C/Dir/2019/4112 | Office Order |
1331 | 19/08/2019 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of August 2019 | F.4(Online Bidding)/Allot/T-IV/PWD/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1332 | 19/08/2019 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of August 2019 | F.4(ALLOT)/PWD&H/ONLINE BIDDING/JUNE&AUG/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1333 | 19/08/2019 | Allotment List of Type-II for the month of August 2019 | F.No.4/II/Online Bidding/PWD&H/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1334 | 19/08/2019 | Allotment List of Type-I for the month of August 2019 | F.4/TYPE-I/ONLINE BIDDING/ALLOTMENT/PWD&H/JUNE2019 | Housing Allotment |
1335 | 16/08/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Department/Agencies. | (6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol.V/9671 | Circular |
1336 | 16/08/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts./Agencies | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol.V/9573 | Circular |
1337 | 14/08/2019 | Pr.Chief Engineer(Projects) declares "Lab Furniture" as Specialized Work which is not included in the specialized list of CPWD Works Manual 2019. | 23(38)/Pr.Chief Engineer/Projects/PWD/2019-20/1850 | Office Memorandum |
1338 | 13/08/2019 | Presentation on Construction materials. | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/Work/2019/4014 | Circular |
1339 | 09/08/2019 | Temp.Additional Charge of E-in-C,PWD | 27(29)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/3995 | Circular |
1340 | 08/08/2019 | Regarding provision for grant of incentives in academics to NCC Cadets as per their grading obtained during the training. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/201/ 3954 | Circular |
1341 | 07/08/2019 | Appointment of Shri P K Tomar, PM(F-5) as a Nodal officer for providing the necessary information and data to IUT/UMTC from PWD. | E-in-C/M/Nodal Officer/2019/3938 | Circular |
1342 | 07/08/2019 | PIMS update details certificate | E-in-C/Dir/27(V)/PWD/2019/3929 | Circular |
1343 | 06/08/2019 | Proactive approach in disposing off First Appeal under RTI Act 2005. | E-in-C/C.I.C/2019-20/3908 | Circular |
1344 | 05/08/2019 | Construction of Foot Over Bridge at Shiv Parvati Mandir, Pul Prahaladpur,M.B.Road,New Delhi. | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1864 | Circular |
1345 | 05/08/2019 | Construction of Foot Over Bridge with staircase and lift for pedestrain on Multan Nagar Metro Pillar No.224 to 225,at Delhi Rohtak Road, NH-10, New Delhi.(SH;-Civil and Electrical Work) | 23(1)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1838 | Circular |
1346 | 05/08/2019 | Remodeling of old damaged brick masonry drain of N.S.Hardikar Marg(from ORR-26 to Avantika Chowk)with new RCC drain,Rohini,Delhi. | 23(1)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1863 | Circular |
1347 | 05/08/2019 | Notice for presentation on Indira Gandhi Hospital Project | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/Work/2019/3883 | Circular |
1348 | 05/08/2019 | Meeting Notice-Review Cases of 56(j) | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/3882 | Circular |
1349 | 03/08/2019 | Amendments to the Delhi Administration allotment of Government Residences (General Pool Debarment Period) Rules, 1977 | F.No.491)/Misc./PWD&H/A-II/2017/P.F./9895-01 | Housing Allotment |
1350 | 02/08/2019 | Payment to be made to contractual/Outsourced workers in different departments/organization under GNCTD- non furnishing of information 0.regarding disbursement of wages. | E-in-C/P/48(2)/2019/13855 | Circular |
1351 | 02/08/2019 | Transfer & Posting Against Existing Vacancy. To be taken on roll w.e.f 25/07/2019(F.N) | 28(2)/2019-E(South)M/Arch/3664 | Transfer & Posting |
1352 | 02/08/2019 | Meeting Notice-on shifting of officers as per reallocation of office spaces at MSO Bldg. | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/3844 | Circular |
1353 | 01/08/2019 | Meeting Notice-Celebration of 58th PWD Day,outstanding achievement and meritorious services rendered by the officers and staff of PWD for award of E-in-C Medal and Certificates of Merit. | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/3815 | Circular |
1354 | 31/07/2019 | Strengthening of Road No. 58 (Maharaja Surajmal Marg) from RUB Vivek Vihar to Junction of Road No. 72RD(0m to 2220m.). | 54(710)/PWD/Maint./Shahdara Road/3669 | Circular |
1355 | 30/07/2019 | Material for preparation of speech on the occasion of Independence Day - 2019 regarding. | E-IN-C/PWD/Works/2019/3737 | Circular |
1356 | 29/07/2019 | Regarding enhancement of the annual family income criteria. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-V/9439 | Circular |
1357 | 29/07/2019 | Transfer and Posting order of several Junior Engg. (Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/C.E.(N)/Estt.-3/3928(H) | Office Order |
1358 | 26/07/2019 | Recovery of department dues from M/s Jal Suraksha Engineers. | 54(NIB)/NCD/2019-20/41-E | Office Memorandum |
1359 | 26/07/2019 | Construction of Foot Over Bridge at Monastery Market Budh Vihar on Ring Road near ISBT Kashmere Gate under Sub-Division-3 of Division C & ND-Roads,New Delhi(Civil & Elect. Work) | 23(3)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1759 | Circular |
1360 | 26/07/2019 | Transfer/Posting of Junior Engineer(Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/CEN/Est-3/3928 | Circular |
1361 | 24/07/2019 | Voluntary Contribution towards Construction of additional two floors in existing IRC Building at R.K. Puram, New Delhi | 10(10)/E-in-C/P/2018/3634(H) | Circular |
1362 | 24/07/2019 | Transfer/Posting of ADG Maintenance | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/9459-9466 | Office Order |
1363 | 24/07/2019 | Transfer/Posting in the grade of Executive Engineer(Civil & Elect.) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/Pt.File-I/9451-9458 | Office Order |
1364 | 24/07/2019 | Outstanding achievement and meritorious services rendered by the officers and staff of PWD by E-in-C Medal and Certificates | 41(11)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/3610 | Office Memorandum |
1365 | 22/07/2019 | Transfer and Posting order of Deputy Director (Hort.) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/9220-9227 | Transfer & Posting |
1366 | 22/07/2019 | Transfer and Posting order of AE(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/9228-35 | Transfer & Posting |
1367 | 22/07/2019 | Engagement Of Consultants On Contract Basis | E-in-C/Dir.(P)/27/Consultants/3710 | Circular |
1368 | 19/07/2019 | Quality Assurance Setup. | 27(Q.S.)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/3565(H) | Circular |
1369 | 17/07/2019 | Amended Circular Regarding Cheques and Demand Draft against the License fees, Damage charges etc. of the Govt. quarters, Community Centers, Park Booking etc. | F.10(11)/PWD-I/DDO/2017/9105-9134 | Circular |
1370 | 17/07/2019 | Sanction regarding Strengthing of Pankha road Bhagwan Mahaveer Marg | 23(1)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1649 | Circular |
1371 | 15/07/2019 | Review exercise undertaken under FR 56(j)/similar provisions-Furnishing of information regarding. | 24(6)/E-in-C/P/3468 | Office Memorandum |
1372 | 15/07/2019 | Strengthening of administration - Periodical reviex under FR 56(j) and Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 in respect of Group A Officers. | 24(6)/E-in-C/P/3466 | Office Memorandum |
1373 | 15/07/2019 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Preliminary Estimate of Rs.244.35 Crore for expansion/remodelling of Satyawadi Raja Harish Chandra Hospital into a 773 beded hospital. | F.9(68)/SRHC/H&FW/CT/Remo.Works/17 CD#000475798/JS3HFW/1692-1711 | Circular |
1374 | 15/07/2019 | Possibility of using available reinforcement bars in I.P. University Project from the site of World Class Skill Centre at Jonapur, South Delhi. | 54(101)/EE/Housing-IV/(F-111)/PWD/2019-20/82 | Circular |
1375 | 12/07/2019 | The transfer and posting order of surplus staff due to revision of sanction strength (2019-20) yet to be issued by the concerned zone of PWD. | E-in-C/P/29(1)/2019/3422 | Office Order |
1376 | 12/07/2019 | Sanction WORKs. | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1584 | Circular |
1377 | 11/07/2019 | Senior Draftman(Civil)-Posting | 28(2)/2019-E(South)M/477 | Circular |
1378 | 10/07/2019 | Government Servant to refrain from sharing any information/statement/opinion to the Press/ Social Media. | E-in-C/PWD/Misc./B(Misc.)/3396 (H) | Office Order |
1379 | 10/07/2019 | Forwarding of various letters/orders/circulars etc. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/8003 | Circular |
1380 | 09/07/2019 | Meeting Notice - Comprehensive maintenance Ring Road and Outer Ring Road. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/Works/2019/3339 | Circular |
1381 | 08/07/2019 | Circular Regarding Cheques and Demand Draft against the License fees, Damage charges etc. of the Govt. quarters | F.10(11)/PWD-I/DDO/2017/8344-83 | Circular |
1382 | 08/07/2019 | Information regarding Outsourced-Clerical and Outsourced work-charged-staff employed in various offices in PWD. | 48(2)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/3293 | Circular |
1383 | 05/07/2019 | Transfer / Posting of Junior Engineer (Civil) | 21(2)/DDG(Coord)NR/EE(C-1)/E-2/2019/2081 | Transfer & Posting |
1384 | 05/07/2019 | Execution of all works of PWD costing more than Rs. 100 Crores on DPC Mode. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/Works/2019/3286 | Circular |
1385 | 05/07/2019 | Minutes of Meeting - A meeting was held under the chairmanship of Engineer-in-Chief | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/29(1)/2019/3282 | Circular |
1386 | 05/07/2019 | Sanction for Constructio of RCC Central Verge/ Crash Barrier at Road No.64 (SDN Hospital to DLF More) Tahirpur, Delhi. | 23(3)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/1510 | Circular |
1387 | 05/07/2019 | Sanction for Redevelopment of Bipin Chandra Pal Marg, at C.R. Park, New Delhi | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1515 | Circular |
1388 | 04/07/2019 | Celebration of 165th CPWD DAY on July 12, 2019 - Housing Barakhana. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/41(11)/2019/3243 | Office Memorandum |
1389 | 01/07/2019 | Status of updation of PWD website. | E-in-C/Maint./Meeting/2019/3175 | Circular |
1390 | 01/07/2019 | Appointment of Nodal Officer regarding "Fatal Road Accidents Investigation Team". | E-in-C/Monit./Nodal Officer/ 2019/3167(H) | Circular |
1391 | 01/07/2019 | Meeting Notice - Outsourced Staff | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/Works/2019/3159 | Circular |
1392 | 01/07/2019 | Meeting Notice - Annual Action Plan for the FY 2019-20. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/Works/2019/3158 | Circular |
1393 | 01/07/2019 | Meeting Notice - Performance based tender for comprehensive maintenance. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/Works/2019/3157 | Circular |
1394 | 28/06/2019 | Transfer/Posting of the following E.E. (Civil/Elect.) | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/7582-7589 | Office Order |
1395 | 28/06/2019 | Indian Medical Association (IMA) is a pan-India voluntary organization of doctors practicing modern system of medicine. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/3126 (H) | Circular |
1396 | 28/06/2019 | Using Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/3124(H) | Office Order |
1397 | 28/06/2019 | Corrigendum regarding circulation letter of Minutes of the 36th Board Meeting of the DBOCWW Board. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/3123(H) | Circular |
1398 | 28/06/2019 | Forwarding of Various letters/orders etc. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/3138 (H) | Circular |
1399 | 28/06/2019 | Strengthening and other misc. Work on Road No. 64 (from DLF more to SDN Hospital) Delhi. | ENC/PWD/W/PE/7066-78 | Circular |
1400 | 27/06/2019 | Strengthening of Road No. 68 (from Road No. 66 T-Point to Junction of Road No. 69). | ENC/PWD/W/PE/7079-91 | Circular |
1401 | 27/06/2019 | Demand based Training Programmes for state DES Officers / Officials. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/3103 | Office Order |
1402 | 27/06/2019 | Transfer / Posting of Superintending Engineer (Civil) | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SEs/2016/Vol-II/7552-58 | Office Order |
1403 | 26/06/2019 | Appointment of Nodal Officer regarding submission of infrastructure projects i.e. Bridges, Flyover, Underpass etc. to DUAC on behalf of PWD, GNCTD. | E-in-C/M/Nodal Officer/2019/3072(H) | Office Order |
1404 | 25/06/2019 | Submission of Progress Report to Directorate of Education | 23(40)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/1466 | Office Order |
1405 | 24/06/2019 | Farewell Invitation | 9(1)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2019/146 | Circular |
1406 | 21/06/2019 | Organizing of Government Achievements & Schemes Expo - 2019 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 1st to 3rd August, 2019. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/Works/2019/2994(H) | Office Order |
1407 | 20/06/2019 | Allotment List of Type-II for the month of June 2019 | F.No.4/II/Allot/Online Bidding/PWD/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1408 | 20/06/2019 | Allotment List of Type-I for the month of June 2019 | F.4/ALLOT/PWD&H/JUNE2019/TYPE-I/ONLINE BIDDING | Housing Allotment |
1409 | 20/06/2019 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of June 2019 | F.4(ALLOT)/PWD&H/ONLINE BIDDING/JUNE&AUG/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1410 | 20/06/2019 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of June 2019 | F.4(Online Bidding)/Allot/T-IV/PWD/2019 | Housing Allotment |
1411 | 19/06/2019 | Sanction strength for the financial year 2019-20. | E-in-C/P/29(1)/2016/2957 | Office Order |
1412 | 19/06/2019 | NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ARBITRATORS IN PWD, GNCT Delhi | E-in-C/Dir./Works/ARB/2019/2939 | Office Order |
1413 | 19/06/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts. / Agencies. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2937 (H) | Circular |
1414 | 17/06/2019 | Valid Registration of 'Principal Employer' under The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970. | E-in-C/Monit./Misc/2019/2894 (H) | Circular |
1415 | 17/06/2019 | Notice for presentations to be made by committee for "Performance Based Tender". | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/2019/2895 | Circular |
1416 | 14/06/2019 | Transfer & posting order of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/6996-7002 | Transfer & Posting |
1417 | 14/06/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineers (Elect.) on Ad-hoc promotion. | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol.II/6924-6931 | Transfer & Posting |
1418 | 14/06/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Assistant Engineers (Elect.) on Promotion. | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/6988-95 | Transfer & Posting |
1419 | 14/06/2019 | Posting order of Sh. Sanjay Kumar Bansal, Junior Engineer (Civil) | 27(19)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2837 | Office Order |
1420 | 12/06/2019 | Prog. No. A-255: Workshop on "RTI Act. - Focused Analysis of the Law of Information & Challenge before PIO while Implementation the Act. & Landmark Decision of CIC & Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace" From 11th to 13th July 2019, at New Delhi. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2815 | Training |
1421 | 11/06/2019 | Rotational Transfer/Readiness List of Asst. Acct. Officer in PWD | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2790 | Office Memorandum |
1422 | 10/06/2019 | Valid Registration of Principal Employer under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition ) Act 1970. | E-in-C/Maint./Misc/2019/2750 (H) | Circular |
1423 | 07/06/2019 | Temporarily posting of SUPERINTENDING ENGINEERS (CIVIL) | 27(3)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2718 | Office Order |
1424 | 06/06/2019 | List of Advocates for the District Courts of Delhi | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/2711 | Circular |
1425 | 06/06/2019 | Forwarding of various letters/orders etc. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2712 | Office Order |
1426 | 04/06/2019 | Sanction Strength for the financial year 2019-20. | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2603 | Circular |
1427 | 04/06/2019 | Improvement of riding surface of flyovers namely Nand Nagri Flyover, Loni Flyover, Gokalpuri and Khajuri Gol Chakkar Flyover on Wazirabad Road (Road No. 63 & 59). | 23(3)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/1300 | Circular |
1428 | 04/06/2019 | Distribution of works under Chief Engineer other works. | 27(19)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/2626 | Office Order |
1429 | 03/06/2019 | Additional charge of Principal chief Engineer - Date change | 27(19)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/2625 | Circular |
1430 | 03/06/2019 | Scheme for Promotion of Adventure Sports & Similar Activities amongst Central Government Employees - Programmes to be organized by Youth Hostel Association of India. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2018/2624 | Circular |
1431 | 03/06/2019 | Additional charge of DD | 27(8)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/2609 | Office Order |
1432 | 03/06/2019 | Additional charge of Principal chief Engineer | 27(19)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/2608 | Office Order |
1433 | 31/05/2019 | NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ARBITRATORS IN PWD, GNCT Delhi | E-in-C/Dir./Works/ARB/2019/2602 | Notification |
1434 | 31/05/2019 | Details Required of PIO's and FAAs under various officers in PWD. | E-in-C/Dir(M)/10(5)/2019/2604(H) | Circular |
1435 | 31/05/2019 | Reconstitution of Transfer/Posting of Junior Engineer (Civil & Elect.) and S.O.(Hort.) and Hard Case Committee for redressal of grievances of transfer/posting of junior Engineers (Civil & Elect.) and S.O. (Hort.). | 27(4)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/2605 | Circular |
1436 | 31/05/2019 | Readyness list of A.E. Civil & Electrical | 27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2599 | Office Order |
1437 | 31/05/2019 | Transfer and Posting in the grade of Chief Engineer | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/CE/2017/6129 - 6135 | Office Order |
1438 | 30/05/2019 | One Day Training Program on 'Architectural Hardware in Buildings' on 11th June, 2019 at IBC HQ, Sector VI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110022 - Postponed to 14th June, 2019. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2562(H) | Circular |
1439 | 29/05/2019 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in June, 2019 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/15391-94 | Housing Allotment |
1440 | 29/05/2019 | Contributiom/Donation for CPWD officer's wives Association for families of CPWD who are in distress. | 27(Misc.)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2550 | Circular |
1441 | 28/05/2019 | C/o Residential Complex for Judicial Officers Quarters at Sector-19, Dwarka, New Delhi. | 55(4)/EE/Education Project Division-4/PWD/2019-20/168 | Office Memorandum |
1442 | 27/05/2019 | Mode of Execution of Maintenance Works | PWD/E-in-C/Works/2019/2504 | Office Memorandum |
1443 | 24/05/2019 | Notice for presentation on "Performance based Tender" | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2019/2494 | Circular |
1444 | 24/05/2019 | Executive Development Program --- Call for Nominations | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2488 | Circular |
1445 | 23/05/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts. / Agencies. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2018/2453(H) | Circular |
1446 | 22/05/2019 | C/o Residential Complex for Judicial Officers Quarters at Sector-19, Dwarka, New Delhi. | 55(4)/EE/Education Project Division-4/PWD/2019-20/168 | Circular |
1447 | 20/05/2019 | Disposition list of LDCs and UDCs in Northern Region | E-in-C/P/27(6)/2397(H) | Circular |
1448 | 20/05/2019 | Availability of "Surplus Excavated Earth" at site of South Asian University, Maidan Garhi, Chattarpur, New Delhi. | SAU/9A-69/2017/Vol-II/184 | Circular |
1449 | 17/05/2019 | Information Brochure 2019-20 of WRDM, IITR for PG Admission | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2359 | Training |
1450 | 16/05/2019 | Complaint against procurement of desktop computers, printers and other accessories. | E-in-C/P/21(2)/2019/2333 | Office Order |
1451 | 16/05/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts. / Agencies. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/2331 | Circular |
1452 | 13/05/2019 | Notice for presentations on "Redistributed Sanctioned Strength" in various PWD Unit. | E-in-C/Dir//PWD/2019/2284(H) | Circular |
1453 | 13/05/2019 | Removal of M/s BCC Developers & Promoters Pvt. Ltd., Class-I contractor (Composite) from the approved list of Class-I Contractor (Composite). | C/14-05-1/SDG(NR)/Elect./Comp/648 | Office Order |
1454 | 08/05/2019 | Regarding violation of MCC and other election related issues | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/2207 | Circular |
1455 | 08/05/2019 | Forwarding of various letters | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/2195 | Circular |
1456 | 08/05/2019 | Forwarding of letter | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2018/2194 | Circular |
1457 | 08/05/2019 | Online submission of proposals of departments seeking exemption of ECI under MCC | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/2206 | Circular |
1458 | 06/05/2019 | Presentation for 77 Corridors & 100 Intersections. | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/Works/2019/2159(H) | Circular |
1459 | 06/05/2019 | Notice for presentations to be made by Committee for "Performance Based Tender" | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/Works/2019/2158 | Circular |
1460 | 06/05/2019 | Highlighting the achievements & schemes of Delhi Government through 'Government Achievements and Schemes Expo - 2019'. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2018/2154(H) | Circular |
1461 | 06/05/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts. / Agencies. | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2149(H) | Circular |
1462 | 03/05/2019 | CORRIGENDUM - WORK DISTRIBUTION | E-in-C/P/29(1)/2123(H) | Office Order |
1463 | 02/05/2019 | The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India will Organize 6th India Water Week - 2019 (IWW-2019) during September 24th-28th, 2019 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2119 | Circular |
1464 | 02/05/2019 | One Day Training Program on Architectural Hardware in Buildings on 11th June,2019 at IBC HQ, Sector VI,R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110022 | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/2118 | Circular |
1465 | 30/04/2019 | Modified Corrigendum | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/4857-64 | Circular |
1466 | 29/04/2019 | Regarding Creation of posts of Technical Officers and enhacement in the post of Assistants. | 27(30)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/2040(H) | Office Memorandum |
1467 | 29/04/2019 | Grievances of workers Meeting Regarding. | E-in-C/P/Union/2016/2042 | Office Memorandum |
1468 | 26/04/2019 | Grievances of Workers | E-in-C/P/Union/2016/2009(H) | Office Memorandum |
1469 | 25/04/2019 | Modified setup of salary DDOs | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1983(H) | Circular |
1470 | 22/04/2019 | Mid Term Session and Seminar on "Construction Management Tools, Modern Technologies and Materials in Built Environment" on June 21-22,2019 at Pune. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/1890(H) | Circular |
1471 | 22/04/2019 | Revised schedule of presentations to be made by various officers (PWD). | E-in-C/Dir/PWD/Works/2019/1889(H) | Circular |
1472 | 18/04/2019 | Regarding Approved Post | 29(1)/E-in-C/P/PWD/2019/1848(H) | Circular |
1473 | 18/04/2019 | 3 Days PWD Web Training on Joining PWD from CPWD for Assistant Engineer (Civil) and Assistant Engineer (Elect.) | E-in-C/Dir/P/27(2)/2018/1849(H) | Circular |
1474 | 16/04/2019 | Transfer/Posting of shri Rajeev Saxena EE(Elect.), west Electrical Division, PWD (on Ad-hoc promotion) | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/Vol-II/325-332 | Office Order |
1475 | 16/04/2019 | Advisory for departments sending proposals for consideration of the Screening Committee constituted for examining cases requiring clearance from ECI. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1837 | Circular |
1476 | 15/04/2019 | On promotion of Sh. Anil Kumar Ahuja is hereby posted in PWD | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/4364-71 | Office Order |
1477 | 12/04/2019 | Divisions of housing along with remaining works, records and staff are merged with Education Project Divisions | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1812 | Office Order |
1478 | 12/04/2019 | Modified setup of salary DDOs | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1813(H) | Office Order |
1479 | 12/04/2019 | The staff deployed on Election Duty for the General Election to Lok Sabha-2019 | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1794 | Circular |
1480 | 12/04/2019 | Deployment of PWD officials for single window system in office of the RO's- General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1795(H) | Circular |
1481 | 12/04/2019 | Deployment of PWD officials for single window system in office of the RO's- General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1784(H) | Circular |
1482 | 12/04/2019 | Deployment of PWD officials for single Window System in office of the RO's-General Election to the Lok Sabha, 2019. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1783(H) | Circular |
1483 | 11/04/2019 | Violation of the Model code of Conduct | E-in-C/M/NPC/2019/1641 | Circular |
1484 | 11/04/2019 | Regarding implementation of code of conduct | E-in-C/M/NPC/2019/1779(H) | Circular |
1485 | 09/04/2019 | Issue of administrative approval & expenditure sanction | F.61 (4)/ADPL/PWD/GBPEC/2016-17/PF-I/033451396/1503 | Circular |
1486 | 09/04/2019 | Forwarding of various PUCs received from different Deptts./ Agencies | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/1727(H) | Circular |
1487 | 08/04/2019 | For providing departmental contents, articles and photographs for Magazine "DILLI" in Hindi Language | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/1696(H) | Circular |
1488 | 08/04/2019 | Non-compliance of Model Code of Conduct | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1695(H) | Circular |
1489 | 05/04/2019 | Redistribution of sanctioned strength among different units of PWD Delhi. | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1660 | Circular |
1490 | 04/04/2019 | Reallocation of office spaces at MSO Bldg.under occupation of PWD. | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1632(H) | Circular |
1491 | 03/04/2019 | Corridor improvement of Outer Ring Road from IIT to NH-8 & its influence areas: Construction of (1) Flyover on portal Structure linking Existing Munirka Flyover in the East to the point beyond Army RR Hospital in the West on the Outer Ring Road and (2) Underpass at junction of BJ Marg and inner Ring Road. | F.23(217)CE/FPZ/F-1/057237594/PWD/3817-30 | Circular |
1492 | 03/04/2019 | Presentations to be made by Committees formed for efficient functioning of affairs of PWD, Delhi. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/works/2019/1625(H) | Office Order |
1493 | 03/04/2019 | All for CEs and CEs PWD make it convenient to attend the above presentations. This is as per instructions of E-in-C. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/works/2019/1613(H) | Office Order |
1494 | 02/04/2019 | Notice for presentations to be made by Committees formed for efficient functioning of affairs of PWD, Delhi. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/work/2019/1589(H) | Office Order |
1495 | 01/04/2019 | Notice for presentations to be made by Chief Engineers. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/work/2019/1590 | Office Order |
1496 | 01/04/2019 | Notice for presentations to be made by Superintending Engineers. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/work/2019/1588 | Office Order |
1497 | 01/04/2019 | Transfer/Posting of Asstt. Administrative officer- Mr Sanjeev Mathur | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1498(h) | Transfer & Posting |
1498 | 29/03/2019 | Violation of the Model Code of Conduct | E-in-C/M/NPC/2019/1641 | Circular |
1499 | 29/03/2019 | Temporary Posting order of Additional Director General (ADG) | 27(29)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1550(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1500 | 29/03/2019 | Meeting of all stake holders to implement ECI guidelines/regarding "defacement of public/govt.property". | 10(16)/PWD-I/Election Duty/2017/3400-01 | Circular |
1501 | 28/03/2019 | Non-Compliance of model code of conduct | OSD(MCC)/2019/234-297 | Circular |
1502 | 28/03/2019 | General Election to Lok Sabha,2019 and General Election to the legislative Assemblies of Andhra pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha & Sikkim and Bye-election to fill the clear vacancies in Assembly Constituencies of various States-Grant of Paid Holiday | E-in-c/P/41(20)/2019/1523(H) | Office Order |
1503 | 27/03/2019 | Additional charge arrangement | 27/(3)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/1495 | Office Order |
1504 | 26/03/2019 | Senior Draftsman(Civil) is posted in the office. | 28(2)/2019-E/(South) M/1542 | Transfer & Posting |
1505 | 26/03/2019 | Instruction regarding forwarding of proposals directly to CEO-Delhi office by various departments/agencies/PSUs for approval/clearance/NOCs etc. viz. NIT, Tenders, award of works etc | E-in-C/P/E/41(20)/2019/1469(H) | Circular |
1506 | 25/03/2019 | Sh. Nourti Ram Tardaka, Assistant Engineer (Civil), the Engineer-in-Chief, PWD has allowed him to continue on his temporary posting order issued vide No. NO.-27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/Director/2019-953 (H) dated 22.02.2019 | 27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/1467 | Office Order |
1507 | 25/03/2019 | Sh. P.S. Chauhan, Assistant Engineer (Civil), the Engineer-in-Chief, PWD has allowed him to continue on his temporary posting order issued vide No. NO.-27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/Director/2019-953 (H) dated 22.02.2019 | 27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/1466(H) | Office Order |
1508 | 25/03/2019 | List of Development/ construction works - regarding General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2019. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1448 (H) | Circular |
1509 | 22/03/2019 | The staff posted in the office of the Returning Officer 07-SDPC District Magistrate (South) on diverted capacity or requistioned under Section 159 of Representation of the People Act. | E-in-C/Dir/P/41(20)/2019/1508(E) | Circular |
1510 | 22/03/2019 | No state guest facility to ministers/non- officials visiting gujrat due to model code of conduct. | E-in-C/P/41(25)/2019/1417(H) | Circular |
1511 | 20/03/2019 | 3 Days PWD Web Training on joining PWD form CPWD for Assistant Engineer(Civil) and Assistant Engineer (Elect.). | E-in-C/Dir/P/27(2)/2018/1483(E) | Training |
1512 | 19/03/2019 | Sanctioned of Post | 29(1)/E-in-C/P/PWD/2019/1358 (H) | Circular |
1513 | 19/03/2019 | General Election to the House of the People (Lok Sabha) 2019 | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1320(H) | Circular |
1514 | 18/03/2019 | Transfer and Posting order of AE(Civil) | E-in-C/P/27(2) | Transfer & Posting |
1515 | 18/03/2019 | Installation and supply of equipment for open gym | E-in-C/P/Circular/2019/1324(H) | Circular |
1516 | 15/03/2019 | List of Development/construction works-regarding General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2019. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1318 | Circular |
1517 | 15/03/2019 | Regarding outsourcing of security services/Engagement of Civil Defence Volunteers. | E-in-c/P/41(11)/2019/1316(H) | Circular |
1518 | 15/03/2019 | General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2019 | 19/06/2019/2019/Lok Sabha Elect./GAD/Admn./P.F.-III/797 | Circular |
1519 | 15/03/2019 | General Election to Lok Sabha-2019-Implementatiom of Model Code of Conduct | E.CEO/COE/102(26)/2019/572 | Circular |
1520 | 14/03/2019 | Street Scaping of Ring Road from AIIMS to Ashram-5.30 Kms. | U.O. NO.ENC/PWD/PE/3188-3200 | Circular |
1521 | 13/03/2019 | Temporary order in respect of Sh. Rajeev Saxena EE (Elect.) | E-in-C/Dir/P/27(2)/2019/1270 (H) | Circular |
1522 | 13/03/2019 | Cancellation of transfer order in respect of sh. Vijay Singh AEE(Civil) | E-in/C/Dir/P/27(2)/2019/1269(H) | Circular |
1523 | 13/03/2019 | Immediate action to be taken for enforcement of Model Code of Conduct after announcement of General Election to House of the People(Lok Sabha) 2019. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1244(H) | Circular |
1524 | 13/03/2019 | Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct - NOC for publication of public notices/tender notices/display advertisement and jingles/TVCs for airing/broadcast of government advertising thereof. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1245 (H) | Circular |
1525 | 12/03/2019 | General Election to Lok Sabha 2019 - Press Note and ECI's Instructions | E-in-C/P/41(29)/2019/1236(H) | Circular |
1526 | 12/03/2019 | General Election to Lok Sabha 2019 - Press Note, ECI's Instructions and regarding Screening Committee for MCC | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1235(H) | Circular |
1527 | 12/03/2019 | Immediate action to be taken enforcement of Model Code of Conduct after announcement of General Elections to House of the People (Lok Sabha), 2019 and State Legislative Assemblies in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Shikkim and certain bye-elections-regarding. | E-in-C/P/41(20)/2019/1234(H) | Circular |
1528 | 08/03/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/3163-70 | Transfer & Posting |
1529 | 08/03/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/Director/2019/953/1154(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1530 | 05/03/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of Superintending Engineer (Elect.) | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SE/2016/Vol-II/3089-96 | Transfer & Posting |
1531 | 05/03/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of Executive Engineer (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/3064-71 | Transfer & Posting |
1532 | 05/03/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of Assistant Engineer (Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(E)/2016/Vol.II/3081-88 | Transfer & Posting |
1533 | 05/03/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of Assistant Director (Hort.) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/3073-80 | Transfer & Posting |
1534 | 01/03/2019 | Additional Charge of Dy. Director (Vig.) to Sh. K.A. Mohamad Mohideen EE (P). | 27(08)/PWD/E-IN-C/2019/062 | Transfer & Posting |
1535 | 28/02/2019 | Corrigendum regarding circulation letter of Minutes of the 36th Board Meeting of the DBOCWW Board | E-in-C/P/41(11)/2019/3125(H) | Office Memorandum |
1536 | 28/02/2019 | Regarding request for nominations - MCRHRDIT Capacity Building programmes. | 10(1)/E-in-C/P/2019/1043(H) | Training |
1537 | 28/02/2019 | Modification in General Conditions of Contract (GCC) -2014. | CSQ/CM/17/(1)/2019/2066 | Office Memorandum |
1538 | 28/02/2019 | Transfer/Posting Order of Assistant Engineers (Civil). | 27(2)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/1028(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1539 | 27/02/2019 | Mode of Execution of Maintenance Works. | PWD/E-in-C/Works/2019/2504 | Office Memorandum |
1540 | 27/02/2019 | Transfer/Posting order of Sh. H.D. Kanswal , Accounts Officer. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/988(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1541 | 26/02/2019 | Transfer/ Posting order of Smt. Harvinder Kaur, Office Superintendent. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/978(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1542 | 22/02/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineers (Elect.) | 27(7)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./2019/954(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1543 | 22/02/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineers (Civil) | 27(2)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./2019/953(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1544 | 22/02/2019 | Diversion Of one Subdivision from the O/o EE, Education, East & North East to O/o EE, Education, South & South East. | 29(1)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./2019/955(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1545 | 20/02/2019 | Meeting of Medical Committee convened on 25-02-2019 | F.4(ALLOT)/T-III/ADMIN/PWD&H/2014/2612-21 | Housing Allotment |
1546 | 20/02/2019 | Temporary Posting order of Executive Engineers (Civil). | 27(3)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/887 | Transfer & Posting |
1547 | 20/02/2019 | Declaration of Head of Office in the O/o Engineer-in-Chief , PWD and O/o the Pr.Chief Engineer (Project), PWD. | 29(1)/E-IN-C/PWD/2019/890(H) | Office Memorandum |
1548 | 20/02/2019 | Re-designation and redistribution of jurisdiction of Project Units in PWD. | 29(1)/E-IN-C/P/2019/882(H) | Office Order |
1549 | 18/02/2019 | Incentive scheme for original Hindi notation / drafting in government functioning. | 43(1) E-in-C/P/2018/843(H) | Office Memorandum |
1550 | 18/02/2019 | List of J.Es( Elect.) Working in P.W.D. Delhi As on 31-01-2019. | 27(11)/PWD/(S)M/Est.-3/807 | Office Memorandum |
1551 | 18/02/2019 | Temporarily Posting of Sh. Manoj Kumar Sonkar , SE(Elect.) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/832 | Transfer & Posting |
1552 | 15/02/2019 | 1st National Conference on Traffic Technologies at CAPT Bhopal (BPR&D) on 21st & 22nd February,2019. | 10(1)/E-in-C/P/2019/830(H) | Training |
1553 | 15/02/2019 | Temporarily Posing Order of Assistant Director (Hort.) | 27(20)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/791(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1554 | 15/02/2019 | Special (no-Free) invitation:8th annual conference on Bridges,Flyovers and Elevated MRTS Structures. | 10(1)/E-in-C/P/2019/812(H) | Training |
1555 | 15/02/2019 | Regarding outsourcing of security services. | 41(11) E-in-C/P/2018/816(H) | Office Memorandum |
1556 | 14/02/2019 | Regarding Supply, installation,testing and commissioning of CCTV surveillance system including Comprehensive Maintenance at Tihar , Rohini and Mandoli Prison Complex for the year 2018-19 to 2023-24. | DS(Project)/3rd Phase CCTV/CD No 3502414/2018/159-172 | Circular |
1557 | 14/02/2019 | Compilation of information relating to SCs/STs/OBCs employees sought by Govt. of India. | 27(Misc.)E-in-C/P/779(H) | Circular |
1558 | 13/02/2019 | Formation of Committees for efficient functioning of affairs of PWD,Delhi. | 29(1)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/774 | Office Memorandum |
1559 | 13/02/2019 | Transfer/ Posting Order of JE(Civil). | 21(11)/PWD/CE(North)/Est.-3/12-E | Transfer & Posting |
1560 | 13/02/2019 | Additional charge of CE(Health). | 27(1)E-in-C/Dir./PWD/2019/738(H) | Office Order |
1561 | 13/02/2019 | Surplus/Availability of RCC twin Duct. | 23(5)EE/S.R.D. M-1/PWD/18-19/199 | Office Memorandum |
1562 | 13/02/2019 | Temporary order in respect of Executive Engineer(Elect.) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/761(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1563 | 13/02/2019 | Resurfacing of (1) Road along A- block Jhilmil,and (2) ESI Hospital Road (3) Shiva Khand Road (4) Road along B- block Jhilmil (5) Sant Lal Gupta Marg (6) Road from Booster pumping Station (7) Link Road,under Sub-Division M-2112. | 23(3)/Pr. CE(M)/PWD/2018/279 | Circular |
1564 | 12/02/2019 | Forwarding of various Letters. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Val-IV/1815 | Circular |
1565 | 11/02/2019 | Transfer/Posting Order of Assistant Engineer (Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/1900-05 | Transfer & Posting |
1566 | 06/02/2019 | Additional charge of Dy. Director (N.I) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/645(H) | Office Order |
1567 | 06/02/2019 | Transfer/Posting Order of Executive Engineer (Elect.) | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/Vol-II/1816-21 | Transfer & Posting |
1568 | 06/02/2019 | Transfer/Posting Order of Sh. Parveen Chander Tandon,Office Superintendent | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/635(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1569 | 06/02/2019 | Exercise of Powers by Project Managers in the grade of Superintending Engineer. | 27(3)/E-in-C/Dir./2019/629(H) | Circular |
1570 | 04/02/2019 | Transfer/Posting order of Senior Draftsman (Civil). | 28(2)/2019-Est./(S)M/565 | Transfer & Posting |
1571 | 01/02/2019 | Re-distribution of Charge | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/1550-55 | Office Order |
1572 | 01/02/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of JE (Civil) | 21(11)/PWD/CE(North)/Est.-3/535(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1573 | 31/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineer (Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/1452-61 | Transfer & Posting |
1574 | 31/01/2019 | 23rd Edition of International Engineering and technology Fair (IETF) 2019, 3-5 February 2019 at Pragati Maidan,NEW Delhi. | 10(1)/E-in-C/P/2019/522(H) | Training |
1575 | 29/01/2019 | Executive Training Programme for Building Professional on "External Cladding Systems" to be held on 26th & 27th February 2019 at IBC HQ, Sector-VI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, being organized by Indian Building Congress (IBC). | 10(1)E-IN-C/PWD/2019/506(H) | Training |
1576 | 29/01/2019 | Renovation of Room No. 23 & Room No. 16 in Forensic Science Laboratory Building, Rohini, Delhi | 3(228)/FSL/FM/CIVIL/2018-19/2098 | Circular |
1577 | 28/01/2019 | Transfer posting order of EE . | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/1196-1203 | Office Order |
1578 | 28/01/2019 | Forwarding of Circulars regarding various Workshops. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2019/476(H) | Circular |
1579 | 28/01/2019 | Construction of Foot Over Bridge with staircase and lift for pedestrian at Baba Gang Nath Mandir on Nelson Mandela Marg , New Delhi . | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/187 | Circular |
1580 | 28/01/2019 | Construction of Foot Over Bridge with staircase and lift for pedestrian crossing near Mohan Singh Market at Tamil Sangam Marg (Road ID No. 141) New Delhi . | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/188 | Circular |
1581 | 25/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/1019-27 | Transfer & Posting |
1582 | 25/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Chief Engineers (Civil) | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/1032-39 | Transfer & Posting |
1583 | 24/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Sh. Ashok Kumar, Office Superintendent | 27(2A)PWD/E-IN-C/2019/448(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1584 | 24/01/2019 | Sh. Sushil Kumar Bali, Assistant Engineer (Civil) was posted in Office of Spl. Commissioner (Road Safety), GNCTD Transport Department and Sh. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Engineer (Civil) is temporarily posted in the Office of Engineer-in-Chief, PWD as Assistant Engineer (Plg.) | 27(8)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./2019/420(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1585 | 22/01/2019 | Forwarding of various Advisory/Circular/Letters. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2018/381(H) | Circular |
1586 | 22/01/2019 | Forwarding of Various Circulars. | E-IN-C/P/Circular/2018/382(H) | Circular |
1587 | 21/01/2019 | Construction of 66 feet Libaspur Gurudwara Road including providing street light fittings. | F.No.ENC/DIR(W)/PE/451-463 | Circular |
1588 | 21/01/2019 | Strengthening of Wazirabad Flyover and Slip Road under Sub-Division-1 of PWD C&ND Roads, New Delhi. | 23(3)/Pr. CE(M)/PWD/2018/106 | Circular |
1589 | 18/01/2019 | Transfer/ Posting order of AEE(Civil). | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/334(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1590 | 17/01/2019 | Additional Charge of EE(Elect.) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/321(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1591 | 17/01/2019 | Additional charge of Sh. Ashok Kumar Meena EE(Elect.) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/322(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1592 | 17/01/2019 | Implementation of e-office effectively in your office and to send the status of e-office implementation directly to Deptt. of Information Technology under intimation to this office. | E-IN-C/P/E- Gov./2017/309(H) | Circular |
1593 | 17/01/2019 | National Workshop on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP), New Delhi on 21st January, 2019. | 10(1)/E-in-C/PWD/2019/299(H) | Training |
1594 | 16/01/2019 | Readiness list of JE (Civil) in PWD and rotational transfer from Road unit to Building unit & Vice Versa | 21(11)/PWD/CE(N)/E-3/296(H) | Circular |
1595 | 16/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Executive Engineer (Civil). | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/620-628 | Transfer & Posting |
1596 | 16/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineers (Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/570-580 | Transfer & Posting |
1597 | 16/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Superintending Engineer (Civil) & (E&M). | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SE/2016/Vol-II/611-619 | Transfer & Posting |
1598 | 14/01/2019 | Forwarding of Various letters. | E-in-C/261/08/01/2019 | Circular |
1599 | 14/01/2019 | Transfer & Posting of Shri Shyam Singh, AD(H). | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/438-445 | Transfer & Posting |
1600 | 11/01/2019 | Additional charge of F.O. | 27(1)//E-in-C/Dir./PWD/2019/189(H) | Office Order |
1601 | 10/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting order of EE (Civil) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/171 | Transfer & Posting |
1602 | 09/01/2019 | Re-designation and redistribution of jurisdiction of Project Units in PWD. | 29(1)/E-IN-C/Dir/2019/128 | Office Order |
1603 | 09/01/2019 | Temporary Posing of Sh. Amrik Singh,Office Superintendent. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2019/163(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1604 | 09/01/2019 | Additional Charge of Flyover Elect. Division F13. | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/153(H) | Office Order |
1605 | 09/01/2019 | Temporary Posing Of Superintending Engineer(Civil) & E(&M). | 27(3)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/144(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1606 | 09/01/2019 | Temporary Posting of Chief Engineer. | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2019/127(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1607 | 08/01/2019 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of December 2018 | F.No.4/II/Allot/Online Bidding/PWD/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1608 | 08/01/2019 | Allotment List of Type-I for the Month of December 2018 | F(4)/I/ALLOT/PWD&H/DECEMBER/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1609 | 08/01/2019 | Additional charge of EE(Elect.) | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir/2019/126(H) | Office Order |
1610 | 08/01/2019 | Taking on Payroll | 27(Misc.)E-in-c/PWD/2019/112(H) | Office Order |
1611 | 07/01/2019 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of December 2018 | F.4(Allot)/PWD&H/Online Bidding/Dec/2018-19 | Housing Allotment |
1612 | 07/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Executive Engineer (Civil) | E-in-C/251/08/01/2019 | Transfer & Posting |
1613 | 07/01/2019 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineers (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/201-208 | Transfer & Posting |
1614 | 07/01/2019 | Forwarding of Various Letters/Orders/MoM. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol.IV/16923 | Circular |
1615 | 04/01/2019 | Transfer/Posting Order of Office Superintendent. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2018/83(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1616 | 04/01/2019 | Disposal facility of silt at Village Singhola (Khampur/Tikri) near DJB sewage treatment plant for temporary disposal of silt. | EE(SLF)/EDMC/2018-19/D-956 | Circular |
1617 | 03/01/2019 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of December 2018 | F.4/Online Bidding/Allotment/T-IV/PWD/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1618 | 03/01/2019 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of December 2018 | F.4/Online Bidding/Allotment/T-IV/PWD/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1619 | 03/01/2019 | Presentation of Products. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/NMET/2019/53 | Circular |
1620 | 03/01/2019 | Posting Of Sh. S.S.Dagar in Place of Sh. Manoj Kumar. | 27(20)/E-in-C/Dir./PWD/2019/48(H) | Office Order |
1621 | 02/01/2019 | Construction of Foot over Bridge with staircase and lift for pedestrian at Moti Lal Nehru Camp, Outer Ring Road (Road ID-776), New Delhi. | 23(2)/Pr. CE(M)/PWD/2018/3957 | Circular |
1622 | 31/12/2018 | Renovation/ up-gradation of One room for Teacher Training in 58 schools of DoE(Non-Pilot Schools), the list of 58 schools enclosed herewith. | F.16/Estate/Renovation of Teacher Training Rooms/58 Schools/PWD/33212 | Circular |
1623 | 31/12/2018 | Construction of Foot over Bridge with staircase and lift for pedestrian at Rao Tula Ram Marg near Petrol Pump New Delhi. | 23(2)/Pr. CE(M)/PWD/2018/3935 | Circular |
1624 | 31/12/2018 | Additional charge of charge of E-in-C. | 27(29)/E-in-C/Dir./PWD/E-1/2018/7861 | Office Order |
1625 | 28/12/2018 | Workshop on
1. "Public Procurement,E-Procurement,Govt. e-Marketplace(Gem)&PFMS" From 17th to 19th Jan 2019.
2. "Accounts&Administration" From 7th to 9th Feb.2019. | 10(1)/E-in-C/PWD/2018/7864 | Training |
1626 | 28/12/2018 | Petition of SHRI RAJIV PATHAK
| PMOPG/D/2018/0442292 | Notification |
1627 | 28/12/2018 | Minutes of Meeting | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/2018/7658 | Circular |
1628 | 27/12/2018 | Forwarding of Various letters/orders/Circulars/endorsements etc. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Val-IV/15492 | Circular |
1629 | 26/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Director (Horticulture) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/16733-41 | Office Order |
1630 | 21/12/2018 | Street Scaping and beatification of Narwana Road Mother Dairy to Punch Mahal Niwas-2.30.Kms. | 24(463)/CE(E)M/EE(P)/16414-26 | Circular |
1631 | 21/12/2018 | Street Scaping and beatification of Vikas Marg No. 75A & 75B Laxmi Nagar Chungi Karkari More during 2018-19. SH: Black top road and footpath, development drainage, signage, rain water harvesting,land scaping, civil structures and other Misc. personal work. | 24(464)/CE(E)M/EE(P)/16388-16400 | Circular |
1632 | 21/12/2018 | Street Scaping of Shivdaspuri Marg and Patel Road (from Moti Nagar T-Point to Pusa Road about), Delhi. | E-IN-C/PWD/W/SSCP/16401-13 | Circular |
1633 | 21/12/2018 | Improvement of Sewadham Road from road No.-63 to UP Border Delhi. | 23(3)/Pr. CE(M)/PWD/2018/3872 | Circular |
1634 | 21/12/2018 | Street Scaping and Beautification of road,Road no.41& 41-A from Wazirpur Depot Crossing (NSP) to Rithala Metro Station. | F.No.E-in-C/PWD/W/SSCP/16362-74 | Circular |
1635 | 21/12/2018 | Street Scaping of Ring Ring Road from Mayapuri to Moti Bagh Junction,Delhi. | F.No.E-in-C/PWD/W/PE/16375-87 | Circular |
1636 | 21/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting of Executive Engineer(Civil). | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/16585-92 | Office Order |
1637 | 21/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting of Sh. Shiv Kumar Mishra EE(Elect.) | 10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(E)/2016/16593-00 | Office Order |
1638 | 21/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting of AE(Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/16601-09 | Office Order |
1639 | 21/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Accounting Officer | 27(1)/PWD/E-IN-C/2018/7762 | Office Order |
1640 | 20/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting of Executive Engineer (Civil). | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7754 | Office Order |
1641 | 20/12/2018 | Jaipur Productivity Center, Jaipur is pleased to announce its 113th Residential Programme on "Emotional Intelligence for Managerial & Personal Effectiveness " from February 11-15,2019 at Hotel La Paz Gardens,Vasco-da Gama. | 10(1)/E-in-C/PWD/2018/7732 | Training |
1642 | 20/12/2018 | Transfer Posting of JE(Civil). | 21(11)/PWD/Chief Engineer(North)/E3/7128-(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1643 | 19/12/2018 | Office Order of Sh. Arun Kumar,Office Superintendent. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7729 | Office Order |
1644 | 19/12/2018 | Minutes of Meeting. | PWD/E-in-C/Work/2018/7727 | Circular |
1645 | 19/12/2018 | Additional Charge of Sh. Mathura Prasad, Chief Engineer(Civil). | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer /2017/16446-53 | Office Order |
1646 | 18/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of EE (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/16255-62 | Office Order |
1647 | 18/12/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Dy. Director (Hort.) | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/16263-70 | Office Order |
1648 | 17/12/2018 | Street Scaping and beautification of Road No. 43 from Britannia Chowk to Outer to Ring Roads,West Enclave,Pritampura,Delhi(except RD 2100 to 2600 Sample stretch) | No. E-in C/PWD/W/PE/16136-48 | Circular |
1649 | 13/12/2018 | Preliminary Estimate for Construction of Bridge on Najafgarh Drain at Basaidarapur alongwith road improvement on either side of bridge drainage scheme,footpath etc for accord of A/A &E/S. | F.4(22)/Bridge/2014/PWD-III/Estt./15727-38 | Circular |
1650 | 13/12/2018 | Preliminary Estimate for Construction of Underpass along Mathura Road at Ashram Chowk for of A/A & E/S. | F.4/32/UDF/Underpass/PWD-III/2016/15739-50 | Circular |
1651 | 13/12/2018 | Strengthening of Road including Repair of Footpath of Satguru Ram Singh (Road no. 36) Marg from Mayapuri Chowk to SD Public School under PWD Division West Road-2 Sub Division WR-21 During 2018-19 | F.No.23/AE(P)/West/CE(N)/P/15755-67 | Circular |
1652 | 12/12/2018 | Office Order of Sh. Raj Kumar Assistant Director(Hort.) | 27(20)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7575 | Office Order |
1653 | 12/12/2018 | Office Order of EE(Elect.) | 27(7)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7577 | Office Order |
1654 | 12/12/2018 | Office order of AD(Hort.) | 27(20)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7591 | Office Order |
1655 | 12/12/2018 | Office order of (FN) Janardan Sharma(EE) . | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7588 | Office Order |
1656 | 12/12/2018 | Office Order of Sh. Nand Lal, Executive Engineer(EE) Civil. | 27(8)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir/2018/7589 | Office Order |
1657 | 12/12/2018 | Office Order of AD (Hort.) | 27(20)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7587 | Office Order |
1658 | 12/12/2018 | Additional charge of (Health) Mathura Prashad . | 27(19)/E-in-C/Dir./PWD/E-1/2018/7586 | Office Order |
1659 | 12/12/2018 | Office Order of Director(Hort.). | 27(20)/PWD/E-in-C/Dir./2018/7590 | Office Order |
1660 | 12/12/2018 | Nomination of Delegates for 23rd Annual Convention & National Seminar" Rapid Building Construction-Emerging Technologies" to be held on 28-30 December,2018 in Patna. | 10(1)/E-in-C/PWD/2018/7578 | Training |
1661 | 11/12/2018 | Preparation of files of T.B.R.(Standing Order). | No.minhealth/2018/11043-47 | Office Order |
1662 | 10/12/2018 | Additional charge of PM F-5 to CPM F-1 on EL,leave . | 27(19)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/E-1/2018/7491 | Office Order |
1663 | 07/12/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) and Rule of CCS Pension Rule 1972. | 24(6)/E-in-C/P/2018/7469 | Circular |
1664 | 06/12/2018 | Request for Nomination in Two day workshop on "Contract Management, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution" on 10th & 11th January 2019 at Hotel Le Meridian,New Delhi-110001 | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2018/7445 | Training |
1665 | 06/12/2018 | AEs(C/E) & JEs (C/E) of CPWD presently posted in PWD. | 24(6)/E-in-C/P/7420 | Circular |
1666 | 04/12/2018 | December 19-20: Secretary,Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to speak at 3rd Conference on Affordable Housing in India. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/PWD/2018/7352 | Training |
1667 | 04/12/2018 | Invitation to praticipate and nominate delegates for GeoSmart India 2019, 11-13 February,Hotel Pullman,New Delhi. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/PWD/2018/7351 | Training |
1669 | 03/12/2018 | Adjustment of LTC Bills. | NO. PAO-XII/2018-19/PC/2007 | Circular |
1670 | 30/11/2018 | Two days tecnical training workshop on "Construction Quality Control & Site Inspection" 9th & 10th January,2019 - Mumbai , 11th&12th January,2019 - New Delhi. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7287 | Training |
1671 | 30/11/2018 | One day Conclave on "Use of Technical textfile,Fly & C&D waste in Civil construction. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7286 | Training |
1672 | 30/11/2018 | Training Programme on "Durability & Service Life Design of Concrete Structures" to be held at NCB-Ballabgarh from 11-12 December 2018. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7285 | Training |
1673 | 29/11/2018 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in December, 2018 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/15391-94 | Housing Allotment |
1674 | 29/11/2018 | Workshop on "Inspection,Investigation and Repair/Rehabilitation of Bridgs and Flyovers" to be held at Chennai on 8th and 9th December 2018 Request for nominate Delegates. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7217 | Training |
1675 | 28/11/2018 | Nomination of Delegates for 23rd Annual Convention & National Seminar Rapid Building construction & Emerging Technologyies to be held on 28-30 December, 2018 in Patna. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7185 | Office Order |
1676 | 28/11/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Cheif Engineer (North) | 27(19)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7180 | Office Order |
1677 | 28/11/2018 | Additional Charge of CPM Health. | 27(19)/E-IN-C/Dir.(Est.)/PWD/2018/7181 | Office Order |
1678 | 27/11/2018 | Construction of Foot over Bridge at Metcalf House Main Gate of Ring Road under Sub-Division-3 of Division CND-Road,New Delhi | 23(3)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/3585 | Circular |
1679 | 22/11/2018 | implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission regarding(i) Introduction of Dress Allownace in place of Uniform/Stitching/Washing Charge,etc. and(II) Revision in rates of Cycle(Maintenenace)Allownace. | E-in-C/P/Circular/2017/7092 | Office Memorandum |
1680 | 22/11/2018 | Forwarding of various letters/orders/Circulars/endorsements. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol.IV/14800 | Circular |
1681 | 20/11/2018 | Maintenance and Upkeep of PWD Roads | PWD/E-in-C/Director/2018/7077 | Circular |
1682 | 20/11/2018 | Minutes of Meeting held in the O/o Hon'ble Minister of PWD for proper repair of roads under jurisdiction of PWD by 15.12.18 | E-in-C/PWD/Meeting/7041 | Circular |
1683 | 16/11/2018 | Workshop on Leadership,Team Behavior and Stress Management from 28th to 30th No. 2018. "RTI Act and Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace Act" from 13th to 15th Dec.2018. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/7003(H) | Training |
1684 | 16/11/2018 | Residential "Development for Office Secretaries, Personal Assistants & Office Staff,Focus: e- Age" from January 07-11,2019 at Hotel Lapaz Gardens, Vasco-da-Gama(Goa). | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/7002(H) | Training |
1685 | 16/11/2018 | Transfer /Post Order of Office Superintendents in PWD. | 27(2A)/PWD/E-IN-C/2018/7000 | Office Order |
1686 | 16/11/2018 | Office Order Of Assistant Engineers (Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/14811-19 | Office Order |
1687 | 16/11/2018 | For compliance of timeline of 10 days for acceptance of goods/service for procurement through GeM portal-reg. | 1(48)Fin/Rev-II/2018-19/Misc./DSV/1963 | Circular |
1688 | 15/11/2018 | Information pertaining to Insurance of Govt. vehicles/Staff Car in pursuance of meeting held on 07.03.2018 and 19.06.2018 | 1B/6852/GAD/Admn/2018/4085-4105 | Circular |
1689 | 15/11/2018 | Implementation of the recommendation of 7th on CPC on over Time Allowance. | 10(Misc)/DDG/(Coord.)NR/E-4/2018/2656 | Circular |
1690 | 14/11/2018 | Additional Charge Of Chief Engineer. | 27(19)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2018/6953 | Office Order |
1691 | 14/11/2018 | Transfer Posting Order of Assistant Director (Horticulture). | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/14781-89 | Transfer & Posting |
1692 | 12/11/2018 | Providing porta-cabin on the roof of 1st floor near room no.201 at Forensic Science Laboratory Building,Rohini, Delhi . | (228)/FSL/FM/CIVIL/2018-19/1667 | Circular |
1693 | 12/11/2018 | Providing and fixing of split type Air Conditioner in newly constructed Port Cabin in Biology and Chemistry Division at Forensic Science Laboratory Building,Rohini,Delhi. | (229)/FSL/FM/Elect./2018-19/1656 | Circular |
1694 | 09/11/2018 | Implementation of Transfer and Posting orders in the grade of Assistant Engineer(Civil) | E-in-C/Dir./P/27(2)/2018/6898 | Circular |
1695 | 06/11/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of AE (Civil) | E-in-C/Dir/27(2)/PWD/E-1/2018/6891 | Transfer & Posting |
1696 | 05/11/2018 | Transfer Posting Order of AE(Civil) | F.No.10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol-II/14602-10 | Transfer & Posting |
1697 | 05/11/2018 | Transfer Posting Order of AE(Elect.) | F.No.10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol.II/14593-01 | Transfer & Posting |
1698 | 02/11/2018 | NOTICE INVITING TENDER | DCB/B/C-1/TN/2018-19/5 | Circular |
1699 | 02/11/2018 | Transfer Posting Order of AE(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/14464-71 | Transfer & Posting |
1700 | 01/11/2018 | ATR REG Cabinet Decision No.2652(Item-2) dated 18.10.2018-Minimum rates of wages for outsourced workers/Staff deployed in various Departments of Govt. Of NCT of Delhi. | E-IN-C/P/Circular/2018/6801(H) | Circular |
1701 | 01/11/2018 | Minutes of Weekly Review Meeting on 29.10.2018 | E-IN-C/PWD/Meeting/6800 | Circular |
1702 | 31/10/2018 | Transfer/Posting Order Of EE(Elect.). | F.10(118)/PWD-I/T&P/EE/(Elect.)/2016/14398-06 | Transfer & Posting |
1703 | 30/10/2018 | Forwarding of Various Letters / Orders | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol.IV/14144 | Office Order |
1704 | 29/10/2018 | Tranfer/Posting order Of EE(Civil). | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/14129-36 | Transfer & Posting |
1705 | 29/10/2018 | Transfer/Posting order of EE(Civil). | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/14150-57 | Transfer & Posting |
1706 | 29/10/2018 | Works to be financed from Central Road Fund Administrative approval of one work amounting to Rs.42.21 Cror for "Construction of bridge on Supplementary drain on NH-10 Nangloi,Delhi to cover Complete width of 60 m with road improvement in 100 m length on either of bridge including making of drainage scheme,footpath etc.(after dismantling the existing bridge)during financial Year 2018-19 in the NCT of Delhi | RW-NH-12037/1432/2018/DLH/Zone-II(CRF)/12804 | Circular |
1707 | 29/10/2018 | International Course on Dissemination of HDM-4-Reg.Nomination. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/6728(H) | Training |
1708 | 26/10/2018 | Transfer Posting Of Sh. Madan Lal Azad, EE(Civil). | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/14184-91 | Transfer & Posting |
1709 | 26/10/2018 | Transfer Posting of AE(Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/14103-14111 | Transfer & Posting |
1710 | 26/10/2018 | Minutes of Weekly Review Meeting on 22.10.2018 | E-IN-C/PWD/Meeting/6707 | Circular |
1711 | 26/10/2018 | Observance of Vigilance Awareness week 2018-Intractive Session on 29th October, 2018 at 11:30 AM in the Conference Room of Engineer-in Chief,PWD,GNCTD. | E-IN-C/PWD/ Deputy-Chief Vigilance/281(27)/6680(H) | Training |
1712 | 23/10/2018 | The information related to the records available in the office as a result of the spread in the Public Works Department. | E-IN-C/P/41(11)/2018/6638(H) | Circular |
1713 | 23/10/2018 | International Seminar on "Construction and Rehabilitation of Rigid Pavement - Current Practice and way Forword" to be held at india Habitat Center,New Delhi on 18-19 January,20-19 | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6645 | Training |
1714 | 23/10/2018 | Providiing and Fixing of steel grill in the central verge at Shah Alam Bandh road from rotary to G.T..Road under Sub Division NR-11 | 23(1105)/ North Maintenance Circle/PWD/2018-19/3965 | Circular |
1715 | 23/10/2018 | Providing & fixing of jersey Barrier and other Minor Engineering Works at Princess Road from Model Town I Red Light to PCR Gate under Sub Division NR-12 | 23(1105)/ North Maintenance Circle/PWD/2018-19/3966 | Circular |
1716 | 23/10/2018 | Providing and fixing of railing on central verge at Mall Road from Kingsway Camp Chowk to Azadpur H Point under Sub Division NR-12 | 23(1105)/ North Maintenance Circle/PWD/2018-19/3967 | Circular |
1717 | 23/10/2018 | Regarding Payment of Bonus to Outsourced Staff. | E-IN-C/P/48(2)/2018/6632 | Office Order |
1718 | 22/10/2018 | Presentation of High Performance Speciality Chemicals. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/N.M.E.T./2018/6616 | Circular |
1719 | 22/10/2018 | Notice of Implementation Units for the Annual Plan of Year 2019-20 | E-in-C/DIr(Est.)/27(Vividh)/PWD/2018/6582(H) | Office Order |
1720 | 22/10/2018 | Forwarding of various Letters/Endorsements/Circulars. | F.10(6)/PWD-I/MiSc./2016/Vol.IV(a)/13724-25 | Circular |
1721 | 22/10/2018 | Inviting Tender | No. DCB/8/C-1/TN/2018-19/10/12672 | Circular |
1722 | 18/10/2018 | Status of Delhi Govt. Buildings/Hospitals/Dispensary/Police Stations regarding Accessibility requirement for persons with disabilities | . | Notification |
1723 | 18/10/2018 | Assistant in Architectural Department are Posted | 28(2)/2018-E/(D)M/Arch/6247 | Transfer & Posting |
1724 | 18/10/2018 | Revoking the Suspension of Business of M/S Sethi Construction in East Zone,PWD. | 24(Vividh)/E-in-C/CE(East)/4751.Hindi | Office Order |
1725 | 18/10/2018 | Construction of Foot over Bridge with staircase and lift for pedestrian across Aurobindo Marg (ID-96) Near Mosque/Church,New Delhi. | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/3303 | Circular |
1726 | 17/10/2018 | Preliminary estimate for construction of bridge on Supplementary Drain on NH-10,Nangloi,Delhi to cover complete width of 60m with road imrovement in 100meter length on either side of bridge including making of drainage scheme,footpath etc. complete(after dismantling the exisiting bridge. | CE/I&FC/Zone-II/P&D/Inter Department Issue/2018-19/12494 | Circular |
1727 | 17/10/2018 | Improvement of drainage System on GT Road from Ghanta Ghar to Najafgarh Drain,Delhi under Sub Division-2 C&ND-R. | 23(2)/Pr.CE(M)/PWD/2018/3256 | Circular |
1728 | 17/10/2018 | Training Programme on "Repair and Rehabillation of Concrete Structurees including Water Proofing Materials and Tecniques" to be held at NCB-Ballabgarh from 14-16 November 2018 | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6542(H) | Training |
1729 | 17/10/2018 | Transfer/Posting of (JE). | 21(11)/PWD/U/E-3/6055 | Transfer & Posting |
1730 | 16/10/2018 | Minutes Of Weekly Review Meeting on 15-10-2018. | E-IN-C/PWD/Meeting/6536 | Circular |
1731 | 16/10/2018 | Transfer/Posting Of Sinior Draftman(Civil). | 28(2)/2018-E/(D)M./6732 | Transfer & Posting |
1732 | 16/10/2018 | Transfer/Posting Assistant in Architectural Department. | 28(2)/2018-E/(D)M./Arch/6733 | Transfer & Posting |
1733 | 15/10/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Senior Draftsman | 28(2)/2018-E/(S)M./6735 | Office Order |
1734 | 15/10/2018 | Corrigendum | E-IN-C/Director(M)/ARB/PWD/2018/13649-55 | Circular |
1735 | 15/10/2018 | Residential programme on Transformation Leadership change Management from December 17-21-2018 at Udaipur. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6501(H) | Circular |
1736 | 15/10/2018 | No Dig India show 2018 International conference & Exhibition on Advancing Trechless Standarization. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6485(H) | Circular |
1737 | 15/10/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol.II/13709-17 | Office Order |
1738 | 15/10/2018 | Training on New Feature/Facility on PWD Portal. | E-IN-C/PWD/Dir.(M)/Training/6466(H) | Circular |
1739 | 12/10/2018 | CORRIGENDUM TRANSFER & POSTING oF AE(Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/12484 | Transfer & Posting |
1740 | 12/10/2018 | Approved Panel of Arbitrators. | E-in-C/Dir(M)/ARB/PWD/2018/13649-55 | Office Order |
1741 | 12/10/2018 | MLALAD Scheme. | F.18(267)/A/UD/Plg./2012/5498-5527 | Office Order |
1742 | 12/10/2018 | Administrative approvel and expenditure Section. | F.9(18)SHRC/H&FW/CT/PWD(Elect.)/2013/10989 | Office Order |
1743 | 12/10/2018 | POWERS TO APPOINT PRIVATE ARCHITECTS/CONSULTANTS. | F.No.E-in-C/PWD/M/Works/2018/13571-13579 | Office Order |
1744 | 11/10/2018 | Submission of Monthly Account in text file shape to PAO-22. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/E-Lekha/2018/6415 | Circular |
1745 | 11/10/2018 | Minutes of Weekly Review meeting on 08.10.2018 | E-in-C/PWD/Meeting/6412 | Circular |
1746 | 09/10/2018 | Regarding Deduction on TDS on GST. | F.PAO-22/Misc/2016/12242 | Circular |
1747 | 08/10/2018 | Guidelines for deduction and deposit of TDS by the DDOs under GST Law. | F.3(201)/Policy-GST/2018/754 | Circular |
1748 | 08/10/2018 | Forwording of Letters/Orders/Circulars. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/13283 | Circular |
1749 | 08/10/2018 | Rain Water hervesting structures (RWH) as per DJB/NGT orders at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Collage,Sector-3 Dwarka,New Delhi-110078 | DHE-10(14)/Minor Work/Major Work/100%Collage/2017-18/PF-1/12120 | Circular |
1750 | 05/10/2018 | Readiness List of Office Superintendent completing three or more years in present office on 31.08.2018 | 27(2A)/PWD/E-IN-C/2018/6271 | Circular |
1751 | 05/10/2018 | Minutes of First Review Meeting on 01.10.2018 | E-in-C/PWD/Meeting/6243(H) | Circular |
1752 | 05/10/2018 | EOR to Acharya Narendra Dev Collage, Govindpuri,Kalkaji, New Delhi During 2018-19( SH: Annual white wash,painting and other repair works) | DHE-10(14)/Minor Work/Major Work/100%Coilges/2017-18/PF-I/12046 | Circular |
1753 | 05/10/2018 | Installation of Rain Water Harvesting system in Acharya Narendra Dev Collage, Govindpuri,Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 during 2018-19. | DHE-10(14)/Minor Work/Major Work/100%Coilges/2017-18/PF-I/12044 | Circular |
1754 | 05/10/2018 | Preliminary Estimate for the work: Electrification in Porta Cabin at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Collage,Wazirabad Road, Delhi-110094. | DHE-10(14)/Minor Work/Major Work/100%Coilges/2017-18/PF-I/12045 | Circular |
1755 | 04/10/2018 | TRANSFER & POSTING AE(Cvil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/13403-10 | Transfer & Posting |
1756 | 04/10/2018 | Advistory Guidelines for execution/maintanance of Horticulture works in PWD. | 23(29)/Dir.Hort./PWD/Date/2018-19/1275 | Circular |
1757 | 04/10/2018 | Request for delegate nomination: Eighth Annual Confrance on Operation,Maintainance and Tolling in the Road Sector, November 13-14 at Le Meridian,New Delhi. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6240 | Training |
1758 | 04/10/2018 | CORRIGENDUM TRANSFER & POSTING AE(Elect.). | F.10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE/&JE/(Elect.)/2016/13418-26 | Transfer & Posting |
1759 | 04/10/2018 | List of Participant for Arbitration Training Program on 5th & 6th Oct, 2018. | Training Dated 5th & 6th oct. 2018 | Training |
1760 | 03/10/2018 | Guidlines for deduction and deposit of TDS by the DDOs under GST Law. | E-IN-C/Director(Est.)/27(Misc.)/2018/6156(H) | Circular |
1761 | 03/10/2018 | Panel of Arbitrators. | E-IN-C/Director(M)/ARB/PWD/2018/13310-37 | Circular |
1762 | 03/10/2018 | Invitation to Asia largest integrated shows on Traffic infratech Expo and parking infratech expoBombay Exhibition centre mumbai at 10:00 AM October 25-27-2018. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6192 | Circular |
1763 | 28/09/2018 | Additional Charge of Mr. P.K. Parmar. | 27(19)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6143 | Office Order |
1764 | 27/09/2018 | Rudiment Consultancy Service - Two Days Workshop on "Construction Quality Control & Site Inspection " October 2018 | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6104 | Circular |
1765 | 27/09/2018 | GPS attendance "PWD Online" Mobile App. | E-IN-C/PWD/Misc./6079(H) | Office Order |
1766 | 26/09/2018 | Presentation of uPVC doors and windows. | E-IN-C/PWD/Works/N.M.E.T./2018/5977 | Circular |
1767 | 26/09/2018 | Lepsed deposits not credited into Government Account. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/A.P.O./2018/5100 | Circular |
1768 | 26/09/2018 | Huge Balances lying Outstanding under Deposit Heads of the Divisions. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/A.P.O./2018/5217 | Circular |
1769 | 26/09/2018 | Huge Balance lying Outstanding under Deposit Heads of the Division. Lapsed Deposits not Credited into Government Account. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/A.P.O./2018/6040 | Circular |
1770 | 26/09/2018 | Frowarding of letters/orders/Circulars. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/12840 | Circular |
1771 | 25/09/2018 | Two Days Executive Development Programe on "PLANING,DESIGN,INTALLATION OPRATION AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT OF HVAC SYSTEM IN BUILDINGS" ON 28-29,November,at IBC HQ,Sector VI,R.K. Puram, NewDelhi-110022 | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6026 | Training |
1773 | 25/09/2018 | WORKSHOP ON "RESERVATION IN SERVICE" FROM 11th to 13th OCTOBER,2018 "PUBLIC PROCUREMENT,E-PROCUREMENT,Govt. e-Marketplace(Gem)" FROM 25th to 27th OCTOBER, 2018 | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/6027 | Training |
1774 | 25/09/2018 | Hard Case Committe for redressal of grievances in respact of transfer and posting of Engineers of PWD. | F.10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE/&JE/(Elect.)/2016/12944-51 | Transfer & Posting |
1775 | 25/09/2018 | Consultant Appoinment Committe reconstituted . | F.No.Min4/PWD/2017/12782-93 | Office Order |
1776 | 25/09/2018 | Constitution of a committe to supervise, the construction/renovation work carrid out by PWD & DTTDC from the initial stage to handling over/taking over the building of Govt. School. | 1153/118-9-18/PWD/matter/Estate 3277-87 (through by E-in-C) | Office Order |
1777 | 24/09/2018 | Excess expenditure incurred over allotted budget by various Divisions of PWD and I&FC (IAR in r/o Pay & Accounts Officer No. XXII, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, MSO Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi for the period 2012-13 to 2016-17 | E-IN-C/PWD/Works/A.O.P./2018/5969(H) | Circular |
1778 | 24/09/2018 | List of Permissible Works as per existing Guidlines 2012. | 18(267)/A/UD/Plg./2012/5081-5110 | Circular |
1779 | 24/09/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Executive Engineer (Civil) | 27(8)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./2018/5976 | Office Order |
1780 | 24/09/2018 | Comprehensive Test on Manual of office procedure(MOD) for 2018 | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/5968 | Circular |
1781 | 24/09/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineer (Elect.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/Vol-II/12925-33 | Office Order |
1782 | 24/09/2018 | Issue of Administrative Approval & Expenditure Sanction | 75(8)/DTTE/Plg EFC/2013-14/ 000323618/527-33 | Circular |
1783 | 24/09/2018 | Post of Cheif Engineer (Elect.) from O/o CPM (Hiegher Education) is diverted to O/o Health Maintanance Zone. | E-IN-C/P/29(1)/2018/5960(H) | Office Order |
1784 | 20/09/2018 | TRANSFER/POSTING OF THE AE(CIVIL). | E-IN-C/PWD/11661/20/09/2018 | Office Order |
1785 | 20/09/2018 | HINDI DIVAS AYOJAN - 24/09/2018 at 4PM. | E-IN-C/Dir.ESTT./43(1)/PWD/2018/5937 | Circular |
1786 | 20/09/2018 | Transfer/Poisting of the Following EE (Civil). | 10(117)/PWD/T&P/EE(C)2016/12913-20 | Office Order |
1787 | 20/09/2018 | ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF CE NORTH A.K PANDIT TO CE SOUTH SH VEER SAIN | 27(19)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/5940 | Office Order |
1788 | 19/09/2018 | Forwording of letters/orders/Curculars. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/12636 | Circular |
1789 | 18/09/2018 | Comprehension Test on Right to Information Act, 2005 for 2018 | 13/04/RTI/2018/AR/14351-61 | Circular |
1790 | 18/09/2018 | Training-cum-orientation programme for the cheque Drawing DDos on 20.09.2018. | E-IN-C/PWD/Dir./Works/2018/5883 | Training |
1791 | 17/09/2018 | International Conference on Innovation in Concrete to meet Housing and Infrastructure Challenges"from 19-22 Sept 2018 at Bangalore. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5859 | Training |
1792 | 14/09/2018 | Two days Training Course on practical use of FIDIC Conditions of Contracts on 28th&29th September 2018 at Raunaq Room,PHD Chamber Of Commerce and Industry,New Delhi. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5850 | Training |
1793 | 14/09/2018 | Deligation of Administrative powers to Director Horticulture | E-IN-C/Dir./29(1)/E-1/PWD/2018/5731(H) | Office Order |
1794 | 13/09/2018 | Strengthening of D B Gupta Road between Kalka Das Chowk to Anand Parbat T-Point under SRD Division II, Sub Division-I, New Delhi during 2018-19. | E-IN-C/PWD/W/PE/2018/.12492-04 | Circular |
1795 | 13/09/2018 | Backfilling Material | 13026/ZA/Infra/NCS/GAD | Circular |
1796 | 13/09/2018 | Strengthening of D B Gupta Road between Kalka Das Chowk to Ajmeri Gate under SRD Division II, Sub Division-I, New Delhi during 2018-19. | E-IN-C/PWD/W/PE/2920-E/12505-17 | Circular |
1797 | 13/09/2018 | Construction of flyover at Shastri Park Intersection (6 lane) and Seelampur (2 lane). SH: Ramps, Footpath, Road Work including Road Signage, Street Light works, Drainage & allied works. | CD.No. 057475801/12448-59 | Circular |
1798 | 13/09/2018 | Notice Inviting Tender | DCB/B/C-1/TN/2018-19/7 | Circular |
1799 | 12/09/2018 | 2-Day Non-Residential Training Programme on "CORROSION IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND ITS REMEDIAL MEASURES" 01-02 November 2018 at NCB-Hyderabad. | 10(1)/E_IN_C/Dir./PWD/2018/5773 | Training |
1800 | 12/09/2018 | 110th Residential Programme on "Finance for Non Financial Officials/Managers" form November 12-16,2018 at Hotal Lapaz Gardens, Vasco-da-Gama(Goa). | 10(1)/E_IN_C/Dir./PWD/2018/5774 | Training |
1801 | 12/09/2018 | Charge of OSD to Sh. Sanjeev Rastogi. | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&SE/2016/Vol-II/12616-22 ( go through by E-in-C) | Office Order |
1802 | 12/09/2018 | Review of Expenditure as on 31.08.2018. | E-IN-C/Dir./Work/P.W.D./2018/Budget/5770 | Circular |
1803 | 12/09/2018 | Joining of Sh. Raj Singh Gaget Posted as AE(P), O/o CCTV,WiFi, Street Light against. | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/ Vol-II/12547-54 (throw by E-in-C) | Office Order |
1804 | 12/09/2018 | Proposal for emotional wellness campaign(free workshop) | 10(1)/E-in-C/P/2018/5767(H) | Circular |
1805 | 11/09/2018 | Presentation of Asian Paints Limited . | E-in-C/PWD/Works/N.M.E.T/5759-H | Circular |
1806 | 11/09/2018 | Office Memorandum (Systemetic Improvment no.8/2018) | E-IN-C/P/27(circular)/5758(H) | Circular |
1807 | 11/09/2018 | Forwording of letters/Endorsement/Orders. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/11836 | Circular |
1808 | 11/09/2018 | Call For Nomination-11th CIDC VISHWAKARMA AWARDS 2019 | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5747 | Circular |
1809 | 10/09/2018 | Forwording of letters/orders. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/1225611 | Circular |
1810 | 10/09/2018 | Safty Convention 2018 on Safty Challenges of MSME Sector during September 26-28,2018 at New Delhi. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5717 | Training |
1811 | 10/09/2018 | Admission to the 13th Batch (2918-19) of one year (Part-time) Post Graduate Diploma course in Disaster Preparedness and Rehabilitation,affiliated to Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University(GGSIPU),Delhi. | A-33018/PGDP&R/2018-19 | Circular |
1812 | 10/09/2018 | Construction of Boundary Wall of Vacant Land at Karawal Nagar. | F.16/Estate/C/ o Boundary Wall/ Karawal Nagar | Circular |
1813 | 10/09/2018 | Supplying,Installation,Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Cameras in Delhi. | 23(6)/CPM/CCTV/PWD/Part-II/Dis/pwd/12312-12324 | Circular |
1814 | 07/09/2018 | S.I.T.C. of self contain drinking water cooler SATYAWADI RAJA HARISHCANDRA HOSPITAL. | 9(18)SRHC/H&FW/CT/PWD(Elect.)/2013/9797 | Office Order |
1815 | 06/09/2018 | Technical Paper on "Use of Recycled Asphalt material for sustainable road construction". | E-in-C/Dir(W)/CDWUM/PWD/2018/5672 Dated: 09.08.2018 | Circular |
1816 | 06/09/2018 | Regarding use of Government vehicle. | E-IN-C/P/21(4)/2017/5665(H) | Office Memorandum |
1817 | 05/09/2018 | Transfer/Posting of Office Superintendent. | 27(2A)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/5588(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1818 | 05/09/2018 | Audit Paras printed in the Audit Report of the controller and auditors general of India pertaining to the year March, 2006 to March,2016 and during 2016 . | E-in-C/PWD/Works/AOP/2018/5630 | Circular |
1819 | 05/09/2018 | To ensure expenditure within allotted budget and to maintain Financial discipline . | E-in-C/PWD/Works/AOP/2018/5628(H) | Circular |
1820 | 04/09/2018 | Use of Govt. Vehicle irrespective of number of charges they are holding. | F.2/559/2018/CT-III/GAD/8954 | Office Order |
1821 | 04/09/2018 | Revision of rates of Licence Fee on Up gradation of Type-IV of Residential (General Pool) Accommodation of PWD Govt. og NCT of Delhi. | 4(1)/Misc./PWD&H/A-II/2004/P.F./11944-56 | Circular |
1822 | 04/09/2018 | Vigilance An Eagle Eye to Curb Curruption From 24th September, 2018to28th September 2018 to Goa. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5597(H) | Training |
1823 | 04/09/2018 | Residental programme on Knowledge management From October 22-062018 at Jaipur. | 10(1)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/5598(H) | Circular |
1824 | 04/09/2018 | Fwd: Defect Liability/Maintenance Period for the National Highways and centrally sponsored Road & bridge work to be implemented on EPC mode_Amendment-reg. | No.RW/NH-33044/10/2002-S&R(P&B) | Circular |
1825 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5490 | Circular |
1826 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5495 | Circular |
1827 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5493 | Circular |
1828 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5494 | Circular |
1829 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5496 | Circular |
1830 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5491 | Circular |
1831 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5497 | Circular |
1832 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort). | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5489 | Circular |
1833 | 31/08/2018 | Periodical Review under FR 56(J) in respect of Group 'B' Gazetted & Non-Gazetted officers i.e.AE(civil & Elect.), AD (Hort), JE (Civil & Elect) & SO (Hort) | E-IN-C/Dir./(Est)/24(6)/PWD/2018/5492 | Office Memorandum |
1834 | 30/08/2018 | Administrative approvel and Expendature sanction For Rs. 168.58 Crore for remodelling of 94 Delhi Govt. Dispensaries into polyclinic. | F.10/1009/2017/DHS/P&S/658-697 | Circular |
1835 | 30/08/2018 | Transfer & Posting Executive Engineers(Civil). | 27(8)/PWD/E-IN-C/Dir./2018/5525 | Transfer & Posting |
1836 | 30/08/2018 | ExpenDiture management and rationalization of expenditure. | E-in-C/PWD/Work/Budget/2018/5482(H) | Circular |
1837 | 30/08/2018 | Monthly Expenditure Report of Capital Works of Hospitals, AAMC & Health Projects. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/Health/2018/5498(H) | Circular |
1838 | 30/08/2018 | Nirman of Upargam Setu on Shastri Park Chaurahe. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/F.L.Y./2018/5499(H) | Circular |
1839 | 30/08/2018 | Information pertaining to Insurance of Govt. vehicles/Staff Cars in Pursuance of meeting held on 07.03.2018 and 19.06.2018. | 1B/6852/GAD/Admin/2018/2728-42 | Circular |
1840 | 29/08/2018 | Readiness list of Office Superintendent completing three or more years in present on 31.08.2018. | E-IN-C/P/27(2)/2018/5483(H) | Circular |
1841 | 29/08/2018 | Administrative approvel and Expendature saction for of Rs.168.58 Crore for remodelling of 94 Delhi Govt Dispensaries into polyclinic. | DGHS-10/67/2016/ #CD No.000463491/316885 | Circular |
1842 | 29/08/2018 | Revision of rates of Licence Fee on Up gradation of Type-IV of Residential (General Pool) Accommodation of PWD Govt. of NCT of Delhi | F.4(1)/Misc/PWD&H/A-II/2004/P.F/11944-11956 | Housing Allotment |
1843 | 28/08/2018 | Amendment in Delhi Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool) Rules 1977 | F.4(1)/Misc./P-II/PWD/A-II/2009/11900-06 | Housing Allotment |
1844 | 28/08/2018 | Delhi Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool) (Amendment) Rules, 2018 | F.4(1)/Misc./P-II/PWD/A-II/2009/11900-06 | Housing Allotment |
1845 | 28/08/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Executive Engineer (Elect.) | Transfer / Posting Order of Executive Engineer (Elect.) | Office Order |
1846 | 28/08/2018 | Regarding various Hindi competitions 2018-19 | E-IN-C/P/43(1)2017/5454(H) | Circular |
1847 | 28/08/2018 | Expenditure management and rationalization of Expenditure. | PWD/2018/21359 | Office Memorandum |
1848 | 28/08/2018 | Sanction Order for Rs. 14,18,500/-(Fourteen Lakh Eighteen Thousand Frive Hundred Only) for Vertical Garden in Phase-II Building of MAIDS under Hort. Sub Div Health-III, Hort. Div. Health, PWD, New Delhi dg.2018-19 | 2(13)/17-MAIDS/Plg/Phase-II Building/Pt.fl./3219-28 | Circular |
1849 | 28/08/2018 | Sanction Order for Rs. 1,7023659/-(Rs. One Crore Seventy Lakh Twenty Three Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Nine Only) for Providing Stacker and Puzzle Car Parking System in Phase-II Building of MAIDS. | 2(13)/17-MAIDS/Plg/Phase-II Building/3207-14 | Circular |
1850 | 28/08/2018 | Training WorkShop SUbsurface Utility Engineering Detection& Mapping of UnderGround Utilities September 18-19,2018 NAC Grounds, Cyberabad,Hyderabad, India. | IndSTT/SUE/18/8576 | Training |
1851 | 28/08/2018 | Request for Nomination of sutable officers/officials for MBA (Disaster Management) Weekend programme by CDMS, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. | GGSIPU/CDMS/admission 2018/1029 | Circular |
1852 | 28/08/2018 | Training Programme On "Cement and Concrete Construction practices for Effective Redressal of Custmer Complaints" to be held at NCB-Ballabgarh from 18-20 September 2018. | CCE-02/STC-21/Mkt/B/2018 | Circular |
1853 | 28/08/2018 | Nomination of Delegates for 79th Annual Session of the Indian Roads Congress to be held at Nagpur (Maharastra)from 23rd to 26th November 2018. | IRC-5(3)2018 | Circular |
1854 | 27/08/2018 | Transfer/Posting Of CE Health(M). | 10(10)/PWD-I/T&P/Chief Engineer/2017/11827-33 | Transfer & Posting |
1855 | 27/08/2018 | Transfer/Posting of AD(Hort.)/Div.-VI. | 10(119)/PWD-I/T&P/AD/2016/11779-86 | Transfer & Posting |
1856 | 27/08/2018 | Release of 2nd installment of funds of Rs. 186.48 crore, from UDF , for the project of construction of integrated Transit Corridor Development . | F1(6)2017/WAC III / UDF /DDA/2016-17/30 | Circular |
1857 | 24/08/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Administrative Officers (on promotion) | 27(2A)/PWD/E-IN-C/2018/5379(H) | Office Order |
1858 | 24/08/2018 | Imparting training for sensitising PWD (GNCTD) Staff/Officers regarding Accessibility Requirements for person with disability. | 1E-IN-C/Director(Ist.)/10(1)/PWD/2018/5384 | Training |
1859 | 24/08/2018 | E-RTI Online Training Program Dated 28.08.2018 at 2:00 to 5:00 PM | E-IN-C/P/RTI online Trg/2018-19/5378(H) | Training |
1860 | 24/08/2018 | Forwarding of various Letters/Circulars/Endorsements etc. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/9745 | Circular |
1861 | 24/08/2018 | Forwarding of letters/orders. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-II/11167 | Circular |
1862 | 24/08/2018 | Invitation of Entries for IBC Award for Excellence in Built Environment -2016-17 | E-IN-C/P/10/(10)2001/5345 | Circular |
1863 | 23/08/2018 | Transfer/Posting in r/o Assistant Executive Engineer(Civil). | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/11604-12 | Transfer & Posting |
1864 | 23/08/2018 | Schedule for Imparting Traning for sensitising PWD (GNCTD) Staff / Officers regarding accessibility requirements for person with disabilities. | 10285 | Circular |
1865 | 23/08/2018 | Readiness list of Assistant Engineer (civil/Elect.)as on 31.08.2018. | E-IN-C/Dir.(Ist.)27(2)/PWD/2018/5339(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1866 | 23/08/2018 | Transfer& Posting Of Assistant Engineers. | E-IN-C/Dir.(Ist.)27(2)/PWD/2018/5340(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1867 | 21/08/2018 | Policy on the shifting of HT (11 KV ,33KV &66KV) / LT400V) Electricity Transmission Lines posting threat to human lives - Modification of Cabinet decision No.1588 dated . 09.11.2009 thereof. | F.11(09)/2007/Power/2609-2619 | Office Order |
1868 | 21/08/2018 | Forwarding of letters / orders. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV/10694 | Circular |
1869 | 20/08/2018 | Schedule for Imparting Training for Sensitising PWD (GNCTD) Staff/Officers regarding Accessibility Requirments for Persons with Disabilties | Nil | Training |
1870 | 16/08/2018 | Holiday on 17th August 2018 | F. 53/210/GAD/CN/2018/3303 | Circular |
1871 | 16/08/2018 | Transfer/Posting in r/o Assistent Engineer. | F.No.10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/11379-86 | Office Order |
1872 | 16/08/2018 | Hindi usage promotion month 2018 ayojan | WORK/E-in-C/P.W.D./43(1)2017/5240 | Circular |
1873 | 14/08/2018 | Outstanding Deposits in r/o divisions upto the month of March 2017.(AGCR Para no.4 and internal Audit Para no.2) | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/A.P.O./2018/5216 | Circular |
1874 | 14/08/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers. | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/11195-03 | Office Order |
1875 | 14/08/2018 | Hugh Balances lying outstanding under Deposit Heads of the Divisions. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/A.O.P/18217 | Circular |
1876 | 14/08/2018 | E-RTI Online Training Program Dated 28.08.2018 at 2.00 to 5.00 PM | E-IN-C/M./RTI Online/2018/5221(H) | Circular |
1877 | 14/08/2018 | Lapsed Deposits Not credited into Government Account. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/A.P.O./2018/5218 | Circular |
1878 | 14/08/2018 | Huge Balances lying Outstanding under Deposit Heads of the Divisions. | E-in-C/PWD/Work/A.P.O./2018/15217 | Circular |
1879 | 14/08/2018 | Review of outcome Budget (2018-19)-1st Quarter June April to June 2018-use of Mobile App for monitoring of PWD Projects. | E-in-C/Dir./PWD/M/Misc./5204 | Circular |
1880 | 14/08/2018 | The unclaimed malba lying on Public roads is to be removed by the Municipal Corporation | 23(Report)/SE/Project/PWD/10818-23 | Circular |
1881 | 13/08/2018 | Procedure/SOP for release of Grant-in-Aid under Centrally Sponsored Schemes. | PWD/2018/20442 | Circular |
1882 | 13/08/2018 | Redevlopment of Chandni Chowk Road in between Lal Jain Mandir to Fateh Puri Mosque 'Redevlopment of Chandni Chowk Project' | 6(2)/SRDC/2017/Proj./1177-1185 | Circular |
1883 | 13/08/2018 | Submission of monthly Account in text file shape to PAO-22. | E-in-C/PWD/Work/E/Lekha/5148 | Circular |
1884 | 10/08/2018 | Transfer/Posting of Assistent Engineer. | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/11133-40 | Office Order |
1885 | 10/08/2018 | Information regarding payment due summary for transaction on GeM. | 10(6)/PWD-I/Misc./2016/Vol-IV(a)/10896 | Office Order |
1886 | 10/08/2018 | International seminar on "Earthquake/wind resilience in Bldg and bridge with vibration control - base isolation and dampers "during 14th & 15th September 2018 | 10(1)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2018/5093(H) | Training |
1887 | 09/08/2018 | Minutes Of Meeting Issues related to Digging & Restoration of Roads. | OSD(UD/PWD)/Min Health/2018-19/6474-85 | Circular |
1888 | 09/08/2018 | Implementation of "The Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rule-2016" - regarding | E-in-C/Dir(W)/CDWUM/PWD/2018/5085 | Circular |
1889 | 09/08/2018 | Refresher Course on "Concrete Bridge Design wring code of practice for Concrete Road Bridges (IRC 112)" Starting from 18th August 2018. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5077 | Training |
1890 | 09/08/2018 | Seeking support on nominations for" CIO-eGLP" from 23rd Aug. to 2nd Sep. 2018. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/5076 | Training |
1891 | 09/08/2018 | Transfer posting order of Special Secretary. | 10(99)/PWD-I/T&P/2016/11029-36 | Office Order |
1892 | 08/08/2018 | Allotment List of Type-I for the Month of July 2018 | F.No.(4)/I/Allot/PWD&H/July/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1893 | 08/08/2018 | Allotment List of Type-II for the Month of July 2018 | F.No.4/II/Allot/Online Bidding/PWD/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1894 | 08/08/2018 | Transfer / Posting of AE(Elec.) | 10(124)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE(Elect.)/2016/ Vol-II/11055-63 | Transfer & Posting |
1895 | 08/08/2018 | UP-gradation of LAN networking system for NKN internet at Registration counter at GIPMER. | 61-17(27)/PLG/GIPMER/2017-18/14395 | Office Order |
1896 | 08/08/2018 | Replancement of old/outlived power factor panel at Sub-Station-1,2 and 3 in GIPMER. | 61-17(22)/PLG/GIPMER/2017-18/14405 | Office Order |
1897 | 08/08/2018 | Renovation of Medical Record Department (MRD) in GIPMER . | 61-17(34)/PLG/GIPMER/2015-16/14427 | Office Order |
1898 | 07/08/2018 | Allotment List of Type-III for the month of July 2018 | F.4/Allotment/T-III/Online Bidding/July/PWD&H/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1899 | 06/08/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Sh. Anil Rastogi | 27(2A)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/4988 | Office Order |
1900 | 06/08/2018 | Regarding GPF Statement for the year 2017-18 | F.PAO-XII/GPF/2017-18/1129 | Circular |
1901 | 06/08/2018 | Impanelmentation of "The Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016" | E-IN-C/Dir./CDWM/PWD/2018/4966 | Circular |
1902 | 06/08/2018 | Reasonable Rent Certificate for Govt. Building of NCTD. | 6(RFC)/PWD/2015/5660-67 | Circular |
1903 | 03/08/2018 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of July 2018 | F.4/Online Bidding/Allotment/T-IV/PWD/2018 | Circular |
1904 | 03/08/2018 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of March 2018 | F.4/Online Bidding/Allotment/T-IV/PWD/2018 | Circular |
1905 | 03/08/2018 | Allotment List of Type-IV for the month of July 2018 | F.4/Online Bidding/Allotment/T-IV/PWD/2018 | Housing Allotment |
1906 | 03/08/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineer (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/Vol-II/10801-08 | Office Order |
1907 | 03/08/2018 | A/A & E/S of Rs. 42,664/- towards surface dressing and cleaning of Property No. 7/55, Church Road, Jwala Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi for opening of Polyclinic. | 10/1019/2018/DHS/P&S/486-493 | Circular |
1908 | 03/08/2018 | Release fo Funds for Execution of works under the MLALAD Scheme i.e. "Strengthening and Augmentation of Infrastructure i.e. Roads, Streets, Localities, Street Lights etc. in each Assembly Constituency" for the year 2018-19 (during 6th Vidhan Sabha) | 18B(167)/AC-40/UD/MLALADS/6VS/2017-18/1092-1108 | Circular |
1909 | 03/08/2018 | Additional Charge of SE (East) | 27(3)/E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/2018/4931 | Office Order |
1910 | 01/08/2018 | Guidelines/ Norms for access permission to Fuel Station and Properties along National Highways- amendments. | CS/2018/23178 | Circular |
1911 | 01/08/2018 | Watch and ward of Govt. Land / Plot at Satbari, Bahapur & Sector-19, Dwarka, New Delhi during 2018-19. | 23(11)EE/HPD-1/PWD/2018-19/160 | Circular |
1912 | 01/08/2018 | Watch and ward of Govt. Land at Dheerpur Pocket H2 (C) Delhi during 2018-19. | 54(12)EE/HPD-3/PWD/2018-19/21 | Circular |
1913 | 31/07/2018 | Nomination Sh.P.K.Parmar, CPM(flyover) , PWD for the Technical Committee constitude by Board of Directors, DTTDC. | E-in-C/P/27(3)/5203(E) | Office Order |
1914 | 30/07/2018 | Regarding condition assessment and recommendations on Repair & Restoration Measures of FSL Building (4 Storey) at Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi. | F.3(228)/FSL/FM/CIVIL/2018-19/1081 | Circular |
1915 | 30/07/2018 | Notice Inviting Tender | DCB/B/C-1/TN/2018-19/5 | Circular |
1916 | 26/07/2018 | Workshop on 1. Technical Workshop on "Implementations of 7th CPC & Allied Matters" From 23rd to 25th August, 2018. 2. "Leadership, Team Behaviour and Stress Management" from 6th to 8th September, 2018. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Dir./PWD/2018/4756 | Training |
1917 | 26/07/2018 | Usages of C&D Recycled Materials for Construction Activities by the PWD in the NCT of Delhi. | E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/Work/2018/4743 | Circular |
1918 | 26/07/2018 | Review of Expenditure | E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/Work/Budget/2018/4745 | Circular |
1919 | 26/07/2018 | Construction of bridge and its approaches over River Yamuna downstream of existing bridge of Wazirabad Delhi . | 8(189)/2001-02/PWD-III(Vol.III)/PF-II/10259-275 | Circular |
1920 | 25/07/2018 | Regarding IGI Airport , Terminal-1,Terminal-2 and Terminal-3 , including Aerocity , New Delhi . | 2161-2260/ACP Sub-Division:IGI Airport ,New Delhi . | Office Order |
1921 | 25/07/2018 | Forwarding of various Letters/Circulars/Endoresements etc . | E-in-C/P/circular/2017/4659(H) | Circular |
1922 | 24/07/2018 | A/A & E/S for the work "Detailed Feasibility Study and geometric design for construction of ROB/RUB on Cost-sharing basis on Railway crossing No. LC-12(Delhi-Ambala line) on Khera Kalan to Khera Khurd Road . | 54(145)/PWD/F-11/2018/339 | Office Order |
1923 | 24/07/2018 | Transfer/Posting of AAO | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/20189/4701(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1924 | 24/07/2018 | Transfer/posting of AAO | 27(2A)/PWD/E-in-C/2018/4700(H) | Transfer & Posting |
1925 | 23/07/2018 | Modification in guidelines for approval of Non-ISI new products .
Approval of RMC plants in CPWD . | E-In-C/Director/PWD/Works/2018/4671 | Circular |
1926 | 23/07/2018 | Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Rules 2013.(part-2) | E-in-C/P/circular/2017/4659(H) | Circular |
1927 | 23/07/2018 | Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Rules 2013. | E-in-C/p/Circular/2017/4659(H) | Circular |
1928 | 20/07/2018 | Delegation of Powers to Chief Engineer - Regional Officer (CE-RO)/SE-RO/ELO at MoRT&H Regional Office - Clarification -Regarding . | RW/NH - 24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC(Vol.ii), dated 23.02.2018 | Circular |
1929 | 20/07/2018 | Regarding IGI Airport , Terminal-1,Terminal-2 and Terminal-3 , including Aerocity , New Delhi . | 2161-2260/ACP Sub-Division:IGI Airport ,New Delhi . | Office Order |
1930 | 19/07/2018 | Decided to transfer / posting Office Superintendent (on promotion) | 27(2A)E-in-C/PWD/2018/4592 | Transfer & Posting |
1931 | 17/07/2018 | Residential development programme for office secretaries personal assistants & office staff , focus . e- Age from September 05-09-2018 at Hotel Lapaz Gardens,Vasco-dohama (Goa ) | 10(1)/E-in-C/Dir/PWD/2018/4528 | Circular |
1932 | 17/07/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of AE (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/10024-31 | Office Order |
1933 | 17/07/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assitant Engineers (Civil) | 10(115)/PWD-I/T&P/AE&JE/2016/10032-38 | Office Order |
1934 | 17/07/2018 | Residential Development Programme for office Secretaries personal Assistants & office Staff, Focus: e-Age from September 05-9-2018 at Hotel Lapaz Gardens, Vasco-Da-Gama (Goa). | 10(1)/E_IN_C/Dir./PWD/2018/4528 | Circular |
1935 | 17/07/2018 | Providing and installation of Uninterupted Power supply (UPS) System for RoomNo. 10 to Room No. 13 at Forensic Science Laboratory Building, Rohini, Delhi. | 3(229)/FSL/FM/Elect./2018-19/946-956 | Circular |
1936 | 16/07/2018 | Revision rate of Licence fee of the Govt. of Delhi Residential (General Pool) Accommodation with w.e.f. 01.07.2017 | F4(1)Misc/PWD&H/A-II/2004/P.F./10039-51 | Housing Allotment |
1937 | 16/07/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Office Superintendent (on promotion) | 27(2A)E-IN-C/PWD/2018/4497 | Office Order |
1938 | 16/07/2018 | Administrative approval and Expenditure saction for Construction of new Hopital at Burari at the cost of Rs. 265.80 Crore (Revised) | 8.(A)/78/DGHS/HC/2016 CD#112389333/2670-2687 | Circular |
1939 | 13/07/2018 | Submission of Monthly Expenditure through E-Lekha. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/E-Lekha/2018/4459(H) | Circular |
1940 | 12/07/2018 | Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of Expenditure Finance Committee for the Financial Year 2018-19held on July 6, 2018 at 11:30 A.M. - Corrigendum | 2(5)/2018-19/Fin./Infra/012493391/jsinfra/2159-2166 | Circular |
1941 | 11/07/2018 | Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of Expenditure Finance Committee for the Financial Year 2018-19 held on July 6, 2018 at 11:30 A.M. | F.2(5)/2018-19/Fin./Infra./012493391/jsfina/2140-2147 | Circular |
1942 | 11/07/2018 | Two days Conference & Exhibition on "Cable Supported Structures (Building and Bridges)" to be held on 13th & 14th July, 2018 at The Royal Plaza Hotel, Ashok Road New Delhi, being
organized by Indian Concrete Institute, New Delhi Centre (ICI-NDC). | 10(1)E-IN-C/PWD/PWD/2018/4400 | Circular |
1943 | 11/07/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Engineers | 27(2)/E-IN-C/Dir./Est./PWD/2018/4390(H) | Office Order |
1944 | 11/07/2018 | Invitation of tender for execution of Works on National Highways and Centrally Sponsored Road Projects | RW-NH-34066/14/2018-S&R(P&B) Dated 25-June-2018 | Circular |
1945 | 11/07/2018 | Proposal for insertion of additional points in the proposal for amendment of existing Guideline for Member of Legislative Assembly Local Area Development Scheme (MLALADS) 2012 | 18B/(267)/A/UD/Plg./2012/4019-4036 | Circular |
1946 | 11/07/2018 | Regarding Zone-wise Desilting report. | OSD(PWD)/Min./2018/5192 | Circular |
1947 | 11/07/2018 | Minutes of the meeting of the Council of Ministers dated 03.07.2018 | 3/3/2018/GAD/CN/2532-2546 | Circular |
1948 | 11/07/2018 | Public private partnerships (PPP) in Urban Infrastructure and service Delivery August 09-11,2018. | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/4383(H) | Circular |
1949 | 09/07/2018 | Traning Programme on Quality Control and Quality Assurance in Cencrete Construction including Extreme Wearher Concreting" to be held at NCB-Ballabgarh from 06-10 August 2018. | E-IN-C/Est./10(1)/2018/4316(H) | Circular |
1950 | 09/07/2018 | 34th National Convention of Environmental Engineers & National Seminar On "Environmental Pllution and Climate Change" during August 10-11-2018 at New Delhi. | E-IN-C/Est./10(1)/2018/4332 | Circular |
1951 | 06/07/2018 | Participation in the workshop on ""Noise Pollution Control - "Silence Speaks Volumes"- regarding. | PWD/2018/Dairy no. 8236 dated 4.7.2018 | Circular |
1952 | 06/07/2018 | Quarterly Review of Expenditure 2018-19 | 9/35/2018-19/Budget/Misc/PWD-III/9442 | Circular |
1953 | 06/07/2018 | A Seminar on "Environmental Protection and Safety during Construction" to be held on 13th & 14th July 2018 at Main Auditorium, India International Center, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi, being organized by International Road Federation (IRF). | 10(1)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/4313 dated 06.07.2018 | Office Order |
1954 | 05/07/2018 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Preliminary Estimate of Rs. 172.79 Crore for addition & remodelling works at Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital at Pitampura, New Delhi. | 3(185/2016/BMH/Plg CD#000384477/2474-2491 | Circular |
1955 | 05/07/2018 | Change from Rigid to Flexible pavement in on-going Contracts. | RW-NH-35079/01/2018-S&R(P&B) | Circular |
1956 | 05/07/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Director (Official Language) | 27(32)E-IN-C/Dir/PWD/2018/4236 | Office Order |
1957 | 05/07/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Assistant Architect | 27(30)E-IN-C/PWD/2018/4241 | Office Order |
1958 | 04/07/2018 | Transfer posting of office superintendents on promotion in PWD | (2A)/E-in-C/Director/PWD/2018/4261 | Office Order |
1959 | 04/07/2018 | Relieving of Junior Engineers on transfer. | E-in-C/Dir./27(11)/2018/4260 | Office Order |
1960 | 04/07/2018 | Two Day Executive Training Program for Building Professionals on "Internal Cladding Systems" on 18-19 July, 2018 at IBC HQ, Sector VI R.K. Puram, New Delhi -11022. | E-in-C/P/10(1)/2018/4243(H) | Circular |
1961 | 04/07/2018 | Replacement of the existing old conventional type HPSV lamp streel light on PWD roads by energy efficient LED lamp street fittings adopting the ESCO mode - reg. | E-in-C/PWD/Work/CSW/2018/4193 | Office Order |
1962 | 04/07/2018 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Preliminary Estimate of Rs. 117.78 Crore for construction of Trauma Center & Utility Block at Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital at Mangolpuri, New Delhi. | 5/171/SGMH/TCSUB/CT/2016 CD#112388502/2510-2527 | Circular |
1963 | 04/07/2018 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Preliminary Estimate of Rs. 194.91 Crore for expansion/ remodelling of Dr Baba Shahib Ambedkar Hospital Rohini , New Delhi. | 2(11)/PWD/-Upgradation/Add. Beds/BSAH/2015 CD#000433373/2528-45 | Circular |
1964 | 04/07/2018 | Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction for Preliminary Estimate of Rs.172.03 Crore for construction of Hospital Block at Guru Gobind Singh Govt. Hospital at Raghubir Nagar , New Delhi. | 4/261/PWD/Health/2016/GGSGH CD#112412717/2492-2509 | Circular |
1965 | 04/07/2018 | Presentation for Reinforcement steel of Shyam Steel Industries Ltd. | E-in-C/PWD/Work/NMET/4202 | Circular |
1966 | 04/07/2018 | Minutes of First Monday Review Meeting. | PWD/E-in-C/Director(Work)/2018/4231 | Circular |
1967 | 03/07/2018 | Forwarding of drawings online for approval of local body/DUAC/Fire NOC. | 240(142)/Sr.Architect(E)/PWD/227 | Office Memorandum |
1968 | 03/07/2018 | Replacement of the existing old conventional type HPSV lamp street light on PWD roads by energy efficient LED lamp street fittings adopting the ESCO mode. | E-IN-C/Work/CSW/2018/4193 | Circular |
1969 | 03/07/2018 | Utilization of recycled C&D product-status. | E-IN-C/Dir./PWD/Work/sidibbluem/2018/4184 | Circular |
1970 | 02/07/2018 | Minutes of meeting held in the Conference Hall of the Principal Accounts Office, A-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi on 21.06.2018 at 07:00 PM. | E-IN-C/PWD/Work/Budget/2018/4172 | Notification |
1971 | 02/07/2018 | Appointment of Consultant for Comprehensive Consultancy Service for Planning, Designing and Development of New Campus of Ambedkar University Delhi (PAHSE-I Works) at Dheerpur, Delhi-110059 | 23(37)/CPM(Hous.)/PWD/2018-19/9147-9156 | Circular |
1972 | 02/07/2018 | MINUTES OF MEETING regarding progress of de-silting under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister PWD , Goverment of NCT of Delhi in his Confrence Room at level 7th , Delhi Secertariat, I.P. Estate, New Delhi. | OSD(PWD)/Min./2018/4775-89 | Circular |
1973 | 02/07/2018 | Payment of Processing Fee of C&D Waste at C&D waste Plant Shastri Park in EDMC. | EE(SLF)/EDMC/2018-19/D-319 | Circular |
1974 | 02/07/2018 | Disposal of Construction & Demolition waste and utilization of recycle material. | CE/EMS/HQ/2018-19/D-116 | Circular |
1975 | 28/06/2018 | Regarding null and void of the sanction order dated 26/04/2018 for installation of DFMD, HSND and Advance Ex-Ray Bag Scanner in Forensic Science Labouratory Rohini, Delhi-110085 | F.3(228)/FSL/FM/Civil/2018-19 | Circular |
1976 | 28/06/2018 | Minutes of the meeting held in the Conference Hall of the Principal Accounts office, A-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi on 21-06-2018 at 04:00 PM | 1/8/PAO/T-II/Misc./2013/70/792-795 | Notification |
1977 | 28/06/2018 | Quarterly Review of Wxpenditure, 2018-19 | F.2/11/2018-19/Fin(B)/866-871 | Office Memorandum |
1978 | 27/06/2018 | Prohibit use of laser beams by an individual , group of persons, organizers, owners, occupiers and/ or employee of Banquets, Hotels, Restaurants, Buildings and land in different celebrations/ events or otherwise in the jurisdiction of Sub-Division of Palam, IGI Airport, New Delhi. | PWD/2018/15970 | Office Order |
1979 | 27/06/2018 | Draft Model EPC Bidding Document for Construction Sector by NITI Aayog | E-IN-C/PWD/2018/7640 | Circular |
1980 | 25/06/2018 | Regarding "Deposit Work Procedure" (for Minor Works) with PWD-allotment of funds to PWD Divisions under Head Non-Plan (Minor Works), during the current financial year 2018-19 | DA-Budget/L&B Cell/PHQ/2018 | Circular |
1981 | 25/06/2018 | Minutes of inter-sectoral co-ordination committee meeting for prevention & control of vector borne diseases convened under Chairmanship of Dy. Commissioner, South Zone. | DHO/SZ/2018/417 | Circular |
1982 | 25/06/2018 | Central Flood ontrol Room of Irrigation and Flood Control Department. | T.6(03)/EE/CD-XIV/2018-19/1194-1279 | Circular |
1983 | 22/06/2018 | Next Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in July, 2018 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/9033-9037 | Housing Allotment |
1984 | 22/06/2018 | Online Bidding for Type-I,II III & IV in July, 2018 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/9033-9037 | Circular |
1985 | 22/06/2018 | Next Bidding for Type-I to IV in July, 2018 | F.No.F.4(Allotment)/PWD/2013/P.F-II/9033-9037 | Housing Allotment |
1986 | 22/06/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Senior Draftsman (Civil/Elect.) and Draftsman (Civil/Elect). | 28(2)/2018-E/(South)M/4040 | Office Order |
1987 | 22/06/2018 | Specification Committee for Wi-fi project in Delhi. | 23(7)/CPM/CCTV/PWD/8729-44 | Office Order |
1988 | 22/06/2018 | Procurement of universally designed construction material, accessories and other products. | 08/1790/DRAG/2018/SCD/7705 | Office Order |
1989 | 20/06/2018 | Detailed Feasibility study and geometric design for construction of ROB/RUB on Cost-sharing basis on Railway crossing No. LC-12 (Delhi-Ambala Line) on Khera Kalan to Khera Khurd Road. | CD No. 057502629/8597-8605 | Circular |
1990 | 20/06/2018 | Minutes of meeting of FOB/Subway Committee was held on 06.06.2018 at 11.00AM under the Chairmanship of Pr. Secretary, PWD at 5th Level, B-wing, Delhi Sectt. | F09/01/2013/FOB Committee/PWD-III/Pt.file/8681-99 | Circular |
1991 | 20/06/2018 | Transfer / Posting order of Executive Engineers (Civil) | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/8790-98 | Office Order |
1992 | 19/06/2018 | Review of issues of Development and Maintenance of School Infrastructure. | E-IN-C/Dir/Works/2018/3922 | Notification |
1993 | 19/06/2018 | Transfer / Posting Order of Superintending Engineer (Civil) | 10(116)/PWD-I/T&P/SEs/2016/8704-11 | Office Order |
1994 | 19/06/2018 | Committee to frame SOP/framework for installation, operation, monitoring of CCTVs in public spaces and other related issues. | 11/48/2017/HP-11/4472-82 | Office Order |
1995 | 19/06/2018 | Integrated Transist Corridor Development and Street Network/Connectivity Plan for the corridor/influence zone alongwith detailed design of all intersections and mid-section based on traffic and feasibility studies for the corridor / network (Appointment of feasibility consultant).
Name of Corridor sarai Kale Khan to IGI Airport icluding areas covering"Redevelopment of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) colonies at Kidwai Nagar, Nauroji Nagar, Netaji Nagar, Sarojini Nagar, Mohmmadpur, Thyagrajnagar, Kasturba Nagar & Sriniwaspuri" and AIIMS Trauma Centre in Delhi. | CD No. 057494945/8565-8574 | Circular |
1996 | 19/06/2018 | Final Report of Delhi Drainage Master Plan. | E.E.CD-XIV/I&FC/MPD/Vol-IV(N)/2017-18/1091-1138 | Circular |
1997 | 19/06/2018 | Upgradation and construction of an additional multi-storey building in the premises of Forensic Science Laboratory, Rohini, Delhi. | 3(148)/FSL/2016-17/305 | Circular |
1998 | 18/06/2018 | Option of EEs / AEEs / AEs. | E-IN-C/Dir/10(1)/2018 | Circular |
1999 | 18/06/2018 | DPCC Order regarding air pollution. | DPCC/PA to MS/2018/110-143 | Office Order |
2000 | 15/06/2018 | Transfer/Posting Order of Executive Engineer(Civil). | 10(117)/PWD-I/T&P/EE(C)/2016/8631-38 | Office Order |